Sunday, May 31, 2015

Why the Treatment of Female Genital Warts is Essential

Why the Treatment of Female Genital Warts is Essential

Venereal disease seems to be running rampant these days, but it's no wonder. More and more you hear about women acquiring female genital warts which often leads to more serious conditions. What is even more concerning is that there are actually a large percentage of women who acquire them but, unfortunately, do not get treatment for female genital warts. Even though there is a tremendous amount of information "out there" about the various sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), a majority of young people choose not to protect themselves from them and wind up with one, or more, of the diseases, often wondering "why me?"

According to, in 1997, in the US alone, there were 537,904 cases of chlamydia reported. Then, in 2008 that number rose to 1,210,523. The number of cases rose 9% just between 2007 and 2008. In 1997 gonorrhea cases that were reported stood at 327,665 and in 2008 the reported number was 336,742. The number of cases was relatively the same per population.

The fact is STDs are occurring in much larger numbers since the late 60s when the birth control pill appeared on the scene. Promiscuity has also increased. In his 2007 research article, "Trends In Premarital Sex In The United States 1954 - 2003," Lawrence B. Finer PhD demonstrates that the percentage of women who had their first sexual encounter by age 16 in 1954 was about 45%. The same group, in 1994 to 2003 produced 76% results so by that evidence alone it is obvious that more women are starting sex at an earlier age.

Many of the current STDs are easily curable except for Herpes and HIV, at least on first glance, however, the specific disease is not what is so worrisome anymore. Rather it's what that disease is carrying with it when it enters the body that is the concern.

A case in point is that of genital warts. Genital warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). This virus is attached to various "common" STDs such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphillis and herpes. Though not directly associated with any specific disease, the HPV seems to accompany many of them resulting in genital warts or venereal warts on both males and females.

Though both sexes can acquire the genital warts, it is the female genital warts that are of most concern. The reason for this concern is that the HPV that causes the female genital warts is also the culprit that often causes cervical cancer. This is a very wicked virus and though the warts can be treated and eliminated, the only way to get rid of the accompanying HPV is through the body's own immune system.

Though the warts can be eliminated, the virus continues to hang around in the body until the body forms antibodies and, in turn, destroys it, which is rare. The immune systems of some people are strong enough to take care of this chore, however, many are not and the virus remains in many for a lifetime. This is the idea behind the HPV Vaccination for young women that has become so controversial. The vaccine, of course, is not foolproof or 100% effective so many don't believe that it is worth the expense and hassle of acquiring the vaccine. However, just because the effectiveness rate is not 100% is not a good reason to avoid the vaccination.

To be more clearly understood, let us focus, for a moment, on what the vaccine can do. It was developed to "prevent" about 70% of the known HPV viruses from ever developing into cervical cancer, should they enter the body of a person who has had the vaccine. That means that there is approximately 30% of the HPVs that this vaccine will not work on. So, if a young woman has a sexual encounter, she is protected from 70% of HPV viruses that cause cancer of the cervix. She still have a 30% chance of acquiring a virus that does cause cancer.

Because she has taken the virus she will not be protected from any other type of sexually transmitted disease such as gonorrhea, chlamydia or herpes, which are known accompanyists of HPV. If she has sex and acquires the cancer causing HPV prior to having the vaccine, she will not be protected from whichever HPV is already in her body. Only from 70% of further HPV strains that she may encounter after the vaccine is taken.

The HPV vaccine takes three different injections in order to be fully effective. It is not yet known how much protection each phase provides but to be fully effective, all three phases must be completed. Currently, the vaccine costs about $125 per phase (injection).

There is an additional vaccine being considered for release by the DEA at the time of this writing. That vaccine is said to give protection from "most" cancer causing HPVs but will not protect against genital warts. Therefore a woman would be more protected from the HPV but would have to actually eliminate genital warts through some other type of procedure.

It is vital for every woman to take extreme precautions if they have suspicions of or have actually been diagnosed with female genital warts. It's not difficult to eliminate the female genital warts or any genital warts for that matter, but it is essential for the female to have a full screen performed that will tell the physician whether or not she has acquired the type of HPV that causes cervical cancer. This way, the patient and the doctor will know what the future possibilities are and can ready themselves for appropriate treatment through appropriate screening on a scheduled basis.

There are over 70 "known" strains of HPV and several of them are known to cause cancer of the cervix. There are certain activities that always raise the risk of one's acquiring HPV. Some of those include starting sex at an early age, various sex partners and unprotected sex.

For more information about HPV and treatment of female genital warts and various other health matters, visit The Healthblog Online.

The author is a Masters level RN and has studied health care and human diseases and has been published extensively. To find out why it's important to eliminate female genital warts, visit the linked, underlined web site.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Dog Diseases - Prevention and Treatment

Dog Diseases - Prevention and Treatment

Most of the symptoms of dog diseases are detected late, when it is difficult even for doctors to cure the disease. Diseases caused by bacteria and parasites can cause damage to the organs inside the dog and may even lead to death of your dog. There are several symptoms commonly observed in animals by which it can easily predict that the animal is facing any problem, for example, dry nose, regular vomiting, increased thirst, weight loss, loss of pigment, etc.

1. Rabies - Rabies is a terrible disease that can be caused to any person including humans and animals. Rabies can be spread easily through contact of the affected animals. The infection of the disease is considered of 2 to 12 weeks and this infection may remain in the animal's body for two years. The main symptoms of the disease include paranoia, insomnia, agitation, anxiety and confusion.

2. Canine pave virus - the other major disease that is fairly common in dogs caused by parvo virus affection. It is the affection of viruses commonly seen in most dogs. It can spread through direct or indirect contact of the feces of infected dogs. This disease is particularly harmful to puppies and can even lead to death of your pet. What is advisable that once you find your dog suffers from this disease should consult a doctor. The dog shows symptoms of the disease within three to ten days. The main symptoms of this disease in dogs include vomiting, dehydration, bloody diarrhea and less high. This disease can cause many other infections of dogs.

Is there a treatment for rabies?

There is no known successful dealing for rabies once symptoms develop. Rabies can be not permitted if rabies immunoglobulin and vaccine administered right away after exposure. This is treated as post-exposure.

How can rabies be prevented?

1. Protect all dogs and cats. It is not required that horses, cattle and sheep also be protected next to rabies by vaccination.

2. Control of ineffectual animals. Abandoned and unwanted dogs and cats should not be let go because they can contract rabies from rabid wildlife and transmit the infection to community residents and their pets.

3.See a doctor if you are bitten or scratched by an animal and report all bites to your local health department.

Some other Dog Disease


Wired are parasites that grow and multiply infested by the chambers of the heart, the arteries of the lungs. Symptoms appear gradually, usually manifested easy fatigue, exhaustion and a slight cough. If left untreated, eventually leads to death due to heart failure, an animal, once active. Prevention with products such as Hartguard recommended.


Of all the diseases of the dog, the American Veterinary Medical Association considers the distemper virus in the worst canine disease threat to dogs all over the world. Distemper is fatal in 80% of the pups and 50% of adults. All dogs are extremely vulnerable and should be vaccinated, with subsequent reinforcement keeping the recommendation of a veterinarian.


As in humans, this dog disease is a serious medical problem. Often, obese people own obese dogs. Obviously, limiting food intake, withholding human food and enough exercise will contribute to dogs and life.

Dogs can suffer from many diseases. Rabies, Distemper, Heartworm, Bloat and Parvovirus are extremely dangerous to their health. Find out the whole information and it's treatment related to dogs click here and visit

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Poultry Diseases: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Poultry Diseases: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Poultry diseases are ailments that affect birds that are usually raised for human consumption e.g. chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese, pheasants and quail. The diseases may be bacterial, viral, due to a deficiency, parasitic and neoplastic. Although, there are a number of common poultry diseases amongst these birds, let's take a look at particular diseases that affect different poultry.

Coccidiosis - This is one of the many universally-recognized poultry diseases in chickens and it comes about as a result of Eimirea. The infection takes place in the intestines after ingesting oocytes that are sporulated. This occurs due to poor living conditions such as spaces with excessive moisture, high temperature and unsanitary surroundings. When chickens are infected with poultry diseases such as coccidiosis, the result is bloody diarrhea, intestinal hemorrhaging and premature death of cells, tissue and organs. To detect this disease in chickens, take note of morbidity and the mortality rate of chickens as well as bloody/watery droppings in the coop. To treat this disease, vaccinations are required and this can be done by spraying the food with the vaccine, administering it as eye drops or distributing it in the water. If the infection returns due to moist litter, vitamins and minerals should be dispensed in the water.

Avian Influenza - This is one of the most well-known poultry diseases among birds, also commonly known as bird flu. It is caused by a virus, orthomyxovirus, and it's contracted by inhaling infected feces. It is one of the most contagious poultry diseases and is readily transmitted by waterfowl. Birds affected by this disease will show signs of sneezing, coughing, loss of appetite, diarrhea, depression, respiratory pain and emaciation. When it occurs in chickens, there is usually a drop in egg production and the quality of the shells is deficient. Antibiotics are available to treat the disease, although prevention is the best way to go because it is communicable to humans.

Ornithabacter (ORT) - This is a disease caused by bacteria and is prevalent in both turkeys and chickens. Though many poultry diseases occur in most pullets, some are more common in certain birds than others. This contagious disease affects the respiratory system with symptoms such as nasal congestion and coughing being signs of its onset. In some cases, poultry farmers may notice swelling on the head of the birds as well as noticing that the birds experience respiratory discomfort. One way to treat this disease is through vaccination and this can be administered to fowl at a very early age to create resistance to the disease.

Colibacillosis - Also known as E-Coli or Cellulities, this is also a very common poultry disease. A bacterial infectious disease, it is transmitted via water, food, ovarian transmissions and through fecal matter. If younger birds or the embryos are infected, high mortality rates will be noted, whereas with older birds a decrease in general activity may be observed. To prevent this poultry disease, water can be chlorinated while improved sanitation can prevent transmission. Moreover, vaccinations are available that will help protect embryos. Diseases such as E-coli can be treated using antibiotics such as Oxytetracycline (OTC), Quinolones (Flumequine) and Chlortetracycline (CTC).

As already mentioned, some diseases are common and display similar symptoms across bird species. But there are ways to prevent or curb these diseases before they can cause a pandemic. Not too long ago, bird flu posed a threat to humans. But through measures that in some cases included the quarantine of particular infected bird species, the disease was brought under control. As a poultry farmer, it is your obligation to know of the above diseases so that you may take the necessary steps when signs and symptoms occur.

Poultry diseases are infections that affect domestic poultry. It may be bacterial, fungal or viral and may be transmitted to other animal species. Click here for Poultry vaccines

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Cattle Diseases and Their Treatment

Cattle Diseases and Their Treatment

As we all know that cattle provides us with meat and milk. There are some fatal diseases which affect the cattle, and their names include black leg, brucellosis, coccidiosis, and anthrax. All these diseases spread very easily, and thus it is important to diagnose the disease, and give appropriate treatment timely treatment. The cattle's health need to be monitored closely in order to avoid further complications.

Timely treatment is very much necessary when you observe some signs like fever, yellow colored manure, inflammation, and weakness in cattle. Here are the details of various common diseases which usually occurs in cattle

Black leg and its treatment:

Young cattle is highly prone to this disease. This is a very deadly disease which leaves the cattle dead after 48hours, if treatment is not given immediately. This disease occurs during the process of ingestion as the bacteria which causes this disease remains active for some years together in soil. Thus while consuming, cattle gets infected with this deadly bacteria. Some of the symptoms for this disease includes lameness, rapid inhalation and appetite.

This disease can be easily cured by giving proper and timely treatment. The vaccine for this disease should be always given under the animal skin, but make sure that you do not inject the vaccine into its muscle as it may swell its muscle more. The right place to give vaccination is the animal's neck, ad the skin will be loose in that part. You need to also make sure that you do not use the opened vaccine again after 24hours.

Besides you need to give vaccination according to the dosage prescribed by the veterinary doctor. Thus, proper antibiotics should be used in order to make the animal to survive. In case if the animal dies you should not either cut it or bury it in the soil as the bacteria in the body of the animal will spread again. For this reason, the dead body of the infected animal should be burned in order to prevent the spreading of this deadly bacteria.


This is a very contagious disease which often affects the cattle. This disease is due to a bacteria called Anthracis Bacillus. The symptoms of this fatal disease includes weak, excited and feverish cattle. Besides, breathing problem is another symptom which is commonly found in the anthrax infected animals. This is a very dangerous bacteria which leaves the cattle dead within few hours. Penicillin must be must be given immediately in order to save the cattle from this deadly bacteria. The cattle need to be protected in a clean and hygiene area in order to prevent the cattle being infected with this bacteria.

Another vaccine named Sterne strain can also be used to treat this disease. You can also prevent the animals from been affected with this disease by giving this vaccine. An animal remains immune against the Bacillus bacteria for over 9 months after giving this vaccination. But you need to make sure that you give proper dosage which is prescribed by the doctor.

For More Details You Can Visit Cattle Treatment

Saturday, May 23, 2015

West Nile Virus Vaccine - The Rush for a Cure

West Nile Virus Vaccine - The Rush for a Cure

Presently, there exists a vaccine for the West Nile virus in horses, but no vaccine has yet been developed for the West Nile virus in humans. The West Nile virus is a rapidly spreading health problem; hence, scientific efforts into creating a vaccine for it have been accelerated in recent years.

West Nile Virus Hot Spots

Both Central and South America are major hot spots for this virus as they harbour significant numbers of the mosquito population. A complex network of interaction between the virus, the birds, and the mosquitoes exists, and it is still somewhat poorly understood. In order for the West Nile virus vaccine to be created, it is imperative for scientists to fully disentangle and comprehend the inter-connections. In 2006, there were 4,269 cases of West Nile virus reported, of which 177 were recorded deaths in the U.S.

Where to Begin

Many factors must be considered and many questions are still unanswered. Research on a vaccine against the West Nile virus must include the following:

  • Determination of how the virus replicates and spreads throughout the human body.
  • Investigation into how the immune system reacts to the most serious form of the virus, West Nile encephalitis.
  • Examination of the environment and the yearly maintenance of the disease.
  • Comprehension of how genetic variation affects the virus and the disease.
Present Research

In 2003, the West Nile virus had a greater impact on the population than in previous years. This fact prompted Acambis, a biotechnology company based in Massachusetts, to begin the first human clinical trials for a West Nile virus vaccine. The Acambis vaccine contains genes from two different viruses, yellow fever and West Nile.

Acambis Vaccine

Researchers at Acambis replaced some of the yellow fever genes with genes of a surface protein for the West Nile virus. The Acambis vaccine entered human clinical trials after performing well with mice, hamsters, monkeys and horses. In May 2005, Acambis, with its ChimeriVax technology, successfully completed Phase I of their research, whereby 30 healthy adults received a high dose of ChimeriVax-West Nile vaccine, 15 received a low dose, and 30 control subjects received a placebo.

The study indicated that 96% of the high-dose group and 100% of the low-dose group developed West Nile neutralizing antibodies 28 days after the initial inoculation. In December 2005, Acambis announced its move into Phase II, and September 2006 brought an announcement outlining very promising results. The trials involved testing the safety, tolerance and immunogenic qualities of the West Nile virus vaccine on healthy adults aged 18-40. The primary purpose of this particular trial was the seroconversion rate or the percentage of candidates who developed neutralizing antibodies at a titre of at least 1:10.

Results indicated that over 97% of subjects seroconverted in 28 days after one single dose of ChimeriVax-West Nile. Ongoing trials are being performed on healthy, older adults who are most at risk of experiencing severe symptoms resulting from a West Nile virus infection.

Anna DeGaborik is the author for the All Mosquito Netting Info website. She studies insect diseases and prevention, specializing in mosquitoes.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

HPV - Human Papilloma Virus

HPV - Human Papilloma Virus

HPV stands for human papilloma virus. More than 100 types of infections have been identified. It is considered one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. HPV spreads from one person to another through skin contact and is therefore very contagious. These HPV causes warts and sometimes cancer but many symptoms of the virus remain unnoticed or do not show at all. HPV virus has the power to stay latent in the body of a person for a long time and then show itself. Sometimes it is present in the body but it remains latent. Once it enters the body there is no way to kill the virus or remove it from the body. The diseases caused by HPV are therefore incurable, though there may be some treatments.

HPV infections are sexually transmitted diseases and therefore the virus is transmitted through intercourse or by sharing intimate objects such as bowels bowls, toilet seats, etc. We already know that there are more than a 100 HPV types and out of these, about 40 attacks the genital areas. HPV attacks both men and women and even children. There are certain ways to avoid contracting this HPV virus and these precautionary steps are important because of the incurable nature of HPV infections.

o Safe sex is the most important of all. Using of condoms prevents not only HPV diseases but all other STDs. But there are all chances that the areas not covered by the condom may still get infected.

o Maintaining hygiene is the next step. Proper disinfection and cleaning of the objects shared with other people will certainly help in preventing the virus from entering your body.

o It is said that the use of certain microbicides before having intercourse can prevent the transmission of HPV.

o There are HPV vaccines available for women to protect them from some types of infections. These medicines should be taken by girls of 11 or 12 years through the age of 26. It is necessary that girls take this series of vaccines before they become sexually active. The names of these vaccines are Gardasil and cervarix. Till now it is not known if they will be as effective with men but studies are being done to find such vaccines for men also.

It is also important that people who already have the virus do all possible things to prevent the transmission to another person. Any infected person will have to be responsible which will help him/her to live peacefully with the virus and also protect others. Taking a diet rich in folic acid and vitamins will help give strength and lower the risks. Consumption of tobacco and alcohol is highly discouraged and physical hygiene is recommended. offers an all natural genital warts treatment designed to effectively, eliminate genital warts. For more information about genital warts visit

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

A Potential New Herpes Vaccine

A Potential New Herpes Vaccine

The scourge of herpes has been with mankind since the days of ancient Greece, and despite many attempts to find a definitive cure, no vaccine to date has successfully been developed and made available to the public.

While there are many preventative measures people can take to minimise future genital herpes outbreaks, a one stop solution still remains beyond our grasp.

However, good news may be on the horizon. The U.S. National Institute of Health announced in 2013 that it will sponsor a clinical trial for a genital herpes vaccine. News of initial trial results are beginning to be reported and the great news, the initial trial results are proving positive.

The possible new vaccine is focused around the protein sub unit vaccine, GEN-003, which is under development by Genocea Biosciences Inc. This vaccine candidate is designed to manipulate the immune response of T cells. T cells are a form of white blood cell in the human body which attack pathogens, ie viruses and are an important defense mechanism the body has against infections.

So, put it into plain English, the new potential vaccine stimulates our immune system to attack and destroy the herpes virus. Well, while this of course comes as welcome news to the millions of genital herpes sufferers worldwide, it is important to remember that this research is still in its infancy. However, initial findings have proved positive.

The first initial test results showed that out of 143 human test subjects who had moderate to frequent genital herpes outbreaks, 51% had reductions in the frequency of viral shedding. The vaccine was administered to the test subjects via an IM (In muscle) injection into the patients' arm.

The research results are have so far shown that GEN-003 is proving to be a good starting point in understanding how the vaccine reduces viral shedding. Now, further research will need to be conducted to explore its potential.

I believe this is rather encouraging news. While it is early days in the research program, the fact that something positive is being reported is most welcome and provides a foundation on which the scientists can build on. It could be many months or even a few years before a definitive, proven vaccine is developed and made available to the general public. However, this news is already providing hope that one day, in the not too distant future, a genital herpes vaccine may be available to us all.

Discover a natural, proven method to prevent future outbreaks of genital herpes, visit []

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Ebola Virus Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Ebola Virus Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Ebola Virus disease (EVD) is a life threatening and contagious disease which is contracted by human beings as well as primates. It is a hemorrhagic fever; caused by ebolaviruses also known as "filoviruses" (they are from the virus family "filivoridae"). There are five viruses that are included in ebolaviruses, four of which infect human beings while the fifth infects other animals.

Two simultaneous outbreaks in 1976 marked the first appearance of this disease. One of those outbreaks was in Sudan, while the Democratic Republic of Congo was the other country to be affected. The first case that appeared in the Democratic Republic of Congo was near the Ebola River, and so the disease got named after this river.

The viruses that cause Ebola are initially transmitted to human beings by contact with an infected animal (the virus mostly affects fruit bats, monkeys and apes) after which the disease spreads from one individual to the other. Physical contact as well as exposure to the bodily fluids of an infected person can cause the disease to spread.

After eight to ten days of being infected by the virus some early signs and symptoms that may indicate the onset of the disease are fever, severe headache, muscular pain, chills, exhaustion and weakness. These symptoms are likely to become more pronounced over time. Other indicators which help diagnose Ebola are red and inflamed eyes (eyes may even bleed), raised rash, chest pain and cough, stomach aches, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, noticeable weight loss, and internal bleeding.

Since these symptoms are pretty similar to those of typhoid and malaria, it is not easy for a medical practitioner to diagnose EVD. Once a doctor is of the opinion that a patient has contracted this virus, two blood tests can confirm if the individual is infected or not, these are known as Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

Medical specialists have thus far been unable to develop any vaccine or anti-viral drug for this fatal disease, but the World Health Organization is actively seeking a cure. In the mean time, healthcare providers are using some basic intervention methods in an attempt to save the lives of infected individuals. These include injecting intravenous fluids (IV), providing body salts (balancing electrolytes), ensuring constant oxygen supply and keeping blood pressure normal as well as stable. Immediate treatment should be given if the patient develops any other infections.

Preventive methods that can limit the disease from spreading are to isolate those who are infected, and ensure that medical care is given in a private ward so as keep other patients from contracting Ebola. Furthermore healthcare specialists should be very careful while disposing syringes and needles. They should wear gloves and face masks, and they should make sure that they themselves are not at risk by avoiding direct contact with the bodily fluids (e.g. blood) of an Ebola patient. Furthermore, the disease is also known to spread even after the death of the infected individual, so family and friends who are mourning the death of a loved one who had Ebola should avoid physical contact with the deceased, particularly his/her bodily fluids.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Impact of Bird Flu on Human Beings

The Impact of Bird Flu on Human Beings

The Avian flu is caused by the virus group called Influenza, a related virus to the ones that produce the flu in humans. The most contagious and dangerous Influenza is the strain H5N1 that causes almost 100% death in infected birds from all species.

The human catch of the virus occurs by direct or indirect contact with sick birds or with secretions, feces or oral discharges from infected chicken or ducks.

The first occurring symptoms of Influenza in humans are a sore throat, coughing, muscular weakness, fever and conjunctivitis. These symptoms almost always lead to complications and to death causing dysfunctions. On the Influenza field, several viral pneumonias can appear and also the respiratory distress syndrome and finally the multi-organ failure.

Respiratory conditions are very frequent in humans and the Bird flu can be easily mistaken to such diseases. But any patient shoeing the symptoms and that has had a contact with sick animals or their secretions are suspected to have caught the Influenza virus. The confirmation of the illness will be established by laboratory testing and the case will be connected to all other sudden, unusual deaths in the area where the patient lives or works.

The treatment for the avian virus is the same as those for treating regular flues caused by Influenza strains. The treatment can be administered for cure and for prevention and its benefic effects are likely to be obtained in clinical healthy children and adults. The treatment has however its limitations given by the rapid mutations of the virus. Antiviral drugs are usually very expensive and the supplies needed for the entire community are never enough.

In the present, a new vaccine against bird Influenza has been established and its used is highly recommended for poultry handlers, veterinary employees and breeders. The vaccine is called Tamiflu and can also be used as a medication in case of disease confirmation.

The first step in preventing a Bird Flu epidemic is to ban the import of poultry from countries with confirmed cases. The bird caretakers must avoid contact with wild birds, control the human traffic in poultries, practice proper washing and disinfection, and report to the authorities any case of strange illnesses in birds or workers.

The general public must wash their hands properly after handling chicken meat, clean kitchen surfaces well, cook poultry at high temperatures, not sell live chicken on market places, not allow birds to run free in the yard, not place other species in the same place with birds, avoid contact with wild birds and report any case of dead birds in their farm.

People can safely travel to counties with Bird Flu cases as the disease is not transmitted from a person to another. In such cases of travels, tourists must avoid visits to places where birds may occur.

So, if you want to find out more about bird flu info [] or even about bird flu treatment [] please click this link []

Sunday, May 10, 2015

New Crohns Disease Medication Being Researched

New Crohns Disease Medication Being Researched

Crohns disease medication may be ineffective, because no one really knows yet what causes this disease.

The most commonly accepted theory has been that white blood cells or leukocytes attack normal intestinal bacteria, but a leading British expert, Professor John Hermon-Taylor has a different theory and is currently working to develop a different kind of Crohns medication.

The scientific and medical communities blame a number of diseases on a dysfunctional immune system. These diseases are not believed to be caused by a weakened immune system, but by an overactive immune system.

Such diseases include: rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, and Crohns.

In the case of Crohns, it is known that white blood cells gather in the bowel,causing inflammation. What isn't known is why this happens. White blood cells are the body's primary infection fighters, but when no infection can be found, then the assumption is made that the immune system is responding to normal bacteria or attacking healthy tissue and is therefore dysfunctional.

Operating under this theory, a doctor may prescribe a Crohns disease medication that suppresses the immune system. While these drugs may reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms, they can also interfere with the body's natural ability to fight off infection.

A new theory has been presented by Professor John Hermon-Taylor after 15 years of research at London's St. George's Hospital. He has developed a new Crohns medication, a vaccine, that he is hopeful will cure the disease, not just treat the symptoms.

Instead of suppressing the immune system, as current Crohns medication can, the vaccine would assist the immune system by allowing it to identify and destroy specific bacteria (mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis or MAP) that the professor believes causes the disease.

Found in sheep, pigs and cattle, the new research indicates that MAP enters the human food chain via milk and water.

On the downside, however, it will be years before this new Crohns disease medication is available to the general public...and of course, there is no guarnantee it will be approved or even work.

The professor's research is not government funded and has been supported solely by private donations. The new Crohns medication must be thoroughly tested on healthy human volunteers to ensure that there are no side effects, before trials can be conducted using people who have the disease.

For those who currently suffer from the disease, waiting on the new Crohns medication or vaccine is not an option. The symptoms, even when mild, are not something that a person can live with on a daily basis without relief. A recent survey by doctors of doctors in Europe concluded that Crohns disease medication is inappropriate more than half of the time.

Another survey showed that those who suffer from the disease seek alternatives, because of ineffectiveness or side effects associated with current Crohns medication.

One alternative to current Crohns disease medication is dietary supplementation with mangosteen health drink.

The mangosteen is an exotic fruit that was used historically throughout Asia to treat a number of conditions, including digestive problems.

Scientific research has shown that the rind of the fruit contains components that are natural anti-inflammatories and natural pain relievers.

More than 50 different powerful anti-oxidants, called Xanthones have been identified and studied. Some of these are anti-viral and anti-bacterial, so if you're waiting for the latest Crohns breakthrough, like the kind Professor Hermon-Taylor is working on, you may want to try mangosteen in the meantime.

Mike Leuthen is chief editor of []. Visit us to learn more about crohns disease medication and ask the editor questions.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Ebola - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Ebola - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Ebola is a contagious viral disease that attacks the digestive system from the mouth to anus, the kidneys, the circulatory system, the liver and in less severe degree the skin, eyes, nose and ears, resulting in multiple organ failure.

The disease is 40-60% lethal with treatment and near 100% lethal without treatment. It appears to be a new disease, at least among humans, discovered first in areas of Zaire in 1976. Up to now there has been several outbreaks of the disease, most of them in restricted areas in Western Africa. Around 1850 persons have been attacked by mid 2014, of which 1200 died.

The disease is caused by a group of several similar viruses, called Ebolavirus, in the family Filoviridae of the order Mononegavirales. The viruses are shaped like tubes, sometimes branched tubes, and use single-stranded RNA as material for genetic coding. Therefore the infected cells are commanded to make a corresponding DNA copy by means of the enzyme reverse transcriptase. The DNA copy is used by the infected cell for the production of viral protein and new viral RNA.

The virus spreads from person to person by exchange of blood, corporeal fluids and other materials from the body. It can also spread with animals that transmit body material through biting, for example by fruit bats. The virus does not spread easily through air at a long distance from one human to another. It is however very contagious by close human contact, and medical personal will be in great danger without using unpermeable clothes and filtration of the air they breath.

An epidemic usually begins when a human comes in touch with body fluids, body parts or body products like feces or urine from an infected animal, or is bitten by an infected animal, most commonly a monkey, a chimp, a pig or a fruit bat. The disease seems to be permanently present in populations of these animals without making the animals severely ill.

During epidemies in 2014 the disease has spread more rapidly out of traditional restricted zones to wider areas in Western Africa. This might indicate new strains of the virus capable of more rapid transmission or a spread of animals that carry the virus.

The incubation period varies from two days to three weeks. In that period the disease is little contagious. The disease then suddenly begins with high fever, sore throat, lethargy, muscle and joint ache and severe headache.

Later there will be nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting, swallowing problems and elevated rashes. The function of the liver, kidneys and circulatory system can suffer gravely due to tissue death, inner bleeding, blood coagulation, and disturbances in the distribution of body fluids. The blood pressure can fall dangerously. Patient will often bleed from the eyes. Also tissue destruction and bleeding inside the skin can occur.

In severe cases near death more extensive tissue destruction inside body cavities can occur, resulting in bleeding from the ears, the nose, in the mouth and through the rectum. The death is caused by simultaneous failure of several organs. As the disease proceed, it results in severe weight loss and weakness, and the reconvalescent period is long.

Early symptoms of the disease can resemble many other feverish diseases with bleedings, like typhoid or malaria. For a secure diagnosis one tests immunological reactions and the presence of enzymes linked to the viral infection in blood samples.

There is no vaccine and no treatment directly against the viral infection as by 2014, but vaccines are being developed. Treatment consists of supporting the body with oxygen, fluid, electrolytes, nourishment, circulation support, blood transfusion and other types of support as long as the infection is active and in the reconvalescent period.

Infected patients are isolated and populations that house infected individuals are also isolated by restriction entering and leaving the afflicted area. Medical personal and support staff that go near to the patients use unpermeable clothes around themselves and all the air they breath is filtered. In advanced treatment settings, the patient is shielded from the surroundings with unpenetrable barriers and air filters.

Knut Holt is a business consultant and marketer focusing on the health field. At his site there are more information about health and fitness. You can also find presentation of products to improve health, and of products in the categories hobby, automotive and apparel.

This article is free to copy as long as the author's name and link is present.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Reiki and Naturopathy

Reiki and Naturopathy

Deep personal transformation through Reiki extends far beyond healing individual human beings. The greatest sources of healing come from both within ourselves and from the world around us. We have a responsibility not only to our personal health and transformation, but to the health and evolution of our planet. This article embraces Nature for Healing as well as Healing for Nature.

Can Naturopathy cure diabetes? Can it cure cancer? High blood pressure? We frequently hear these questions from participants in our holistic Reiki health courses. The phrasing of these questions reveals the embedded ideological power of allopathic Western medicine. That is, many people wait for illness and then go to a doctor to seek a cure. This approach is insane! Yet, the vast majority of people waits for illness rather than actively implement empowering and preventative health care practices.

Further, this ideology motivates the purchasing of health insurance as if some large corporation could actually "insure" your good health. The main thing that an insurance company aims to insure is that they make outstanding profits year after year. Does having insurance make you feel more secure? Is it possible that people neglect their physical health based on the illusion that health insurance protects them? Is purchasing insurance actually an investment in the prophecy that you are going to get sick? Does dependence on insurance for a sense of security actually undermine your personal empowerment? The practice of Naturopathy circumvents most of these concerns by creating a powerful synergy between you and nature.

Vaccines are another form of so-called insurance against disease. While history shows that some vaccines have heralded amazing health benefits, this does not imply that all vaccines are necessary or safe; quite the contrary. Manufacturers of vaccines are most assuredly seeking record breaking profits in the years to come. Do they have a vested interest in the pandemic spread of disease because that means incredible demand for their drugs? If you have any doubts of the profit motive, research the marketing projections for the next decade of corporations that produce vaccines. Look at the agenda of the World Vaccine Congress where industry leaders discuss how to benefit from the spread of disease. They go so far as referring to "blockbuster vaccines" in their marketing lingo. You'll see they are perched like vultures predicting the next pandemic. This is how the "health-care" industry functions. Naturopathy takes a radically different approach to immunity.

By placing your faith in government and its regulations, insurance companies and their claims adjusters or vaccine manufacturers and their profit motive, are you abandoning and betraying your personal responsibility for optimizing your own state of health? The only authentic insurance that you can establish for your health is a program dedicated to nourishment, strong immunity and pro-active practices in every dimension of health. True immunity implies strength and cleanliness of your entire being, not just some trendy chemicals brewed with mercury and jabbed into your butt to ostensibly protect you. Vaccines may assuage your fears and lull you into a false sense of security. They may disempower you from truly managing your own health care program. More seriously, some vaccines are implicated in the cause of disease rather than the prevention of disease. Naturopathy, like Reiki, aims to empower you to strengthen and heal yourself naturally.

Naturopathy may not be able to cure every disease, but proponents explain that most assuredly it can prevent virtually every disease. Prevention is the main point of Naturopathy. As our Naturopath friend Dr. Nisal in Pune, India teaches, Naturopathy is not just a cure, it's a way of life. Naturopathy does not offer a standard remedy for every person. Rather, it offers a program designed to meet the unique needs of each person at every stage of life. Nature is not standardized any more than people are standardized. Healing with Naturopathy, as with Reiki, needs to be individualized according to person, place and condition of health.

The most insightful concept that I've learned from Naturopathy concerns the great misconception of disease in modern society. What is the misconception? Allopathic Western medical practice generally considers colds, runny noses, flues, coughs, menopause and diarrhea as diseases. In fact, these are the body's natural way of cleansing. Sneezing, coughing, sweating and bleeding are all perfectly ordinary measures of detoxification that the body manages by itself. In most cases, these processes operate just fine without external intervention. Belief that these conditions are "diseases" justifies chemical intervention to suppress a cough, stop a runny nose or diarrhea. This belief deceives virtually everybody that I know. While certainly there are cases when pharmaceuticals can be very helpful, in many cases, they interfere with the body's natural system of cleansing. The trick is to be well enough informed and wise enough to know when to let nature do its duty and when to trust a chemical to assist your healing.

When pharmaceutical toxins collect in the body, they contribute to extremely dangerous conditions including liver and kidney failure. Did you know that? Just look at the fine print on the labels or research on the internet and you'll see a dandy list of life threatening conditions that are promulgated by the ingestion of legally prescribed pharmaceuticals. Nature, on the other hand, poses no dangerous side effects.

In addition to your ordinary system of detoxification, our Naturopath friend Dr. Jacob from Kerala in southern India recommends "extra-ordinary" measures of detoxification. These procedures include using a neti pot to rinse the nose and sinuses, eye wash, lemon juice gargle, water enema, fruit fasting and juice fasting. All of these procedures detoxify the body more intensely than the ordinary day to day cleansing programs of the body. It's somewhat ironic that as I explain more "advanced" techniques of healing and personal transformation, the suggestions become increasingly basic; namely, food, water, inner hygiene and breathing. This is a rather radical approach that penetrates to the very roots of human existence in its most elemental forms. This approach might even seem diametrically opposed to "advances" in modern medicine that include super chemical brews and high-tech laser surgeries.

Dr. Jacob explains that all diseases are caused by the accumulation of morbid and toxic matter in the body. He explains that the root cause of disease is not bacteria as claimed by Western allopathic doctors; rather, bacteria grow after the accumulation of toxic matter that creates a favorable environment for their reproduction. In this perspective, acute diseases represent the body's efforts to cleanse itself and remove the toxins. Therefore, the body should be supported in this natural process and encouraged through extra-ordinary cleansing techniques rather than using drugs to suppress the symptoms. The human body, like all animals, has internal mechanisms for self-healing which are best stimulated by natural means. Food, correctly used, is medicine. Similarly, fasting is a powerful therapy that cleanses the body and lightens the heart at the same time.

Read more about naturopathy and fasting in the next article.

This article has been adapted from my book, "Personal Transformation through Reiki." It is available at:

To learn more about Rei-ki healing and training in Thailand, please visit my website at:

Best wishes,


Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Sanctity of Human Blood - Vaccination is Not Immunization

The Sanctity of Human Blood - Vaccination is Not Immunization

A storm is gathering today in our brave new world. It's as though we're being forced to draw the line to a new threat - an assault on the blood of our children. This is not just a figure of speech. New vaccines are being invented every year, all with the same hope - to be included in the mandated Immunization Schedule. It's very big money. Today we're up to 68 vaccines mandated for use before a child is eighteen. But infant mortality rates and the health of our children are appalling. The incidence of both infectious diseases and degenerative diseases among Americans is skyrocketing.

Declining health among school children is obvious. Ritalin, Prozac, antidepressants, and inhalers are rampant in our schools. Despite the highest intake of antibiotics and vaccines of any group of children in history, our kids are fatter, sicker, and dumber than ever before.

OPTING OUT. A growing number of medical researchers and doctors disagree with the 68 vaccinations that children are required to get. Many parents are opting out by signing exemption forms. They're drawing the line. They're saying, if nothing else is sacred in this world, at least the blood of our children should not be subject to the whims of politics and big money. The sanctity of human blood. That bloodstream should only be violated in life-threatening situations. And never with anything experimental or unproven or dangerous.

Most of what is written about the subject insists that vaccines are safe, effective, and necessary. We hear how modern civilization has been saved from the ravages of infectious disease by the intervention of miraculous vaccines. We hear how important it is for children to get their shots so they'll be safe from disease, etc. We keep hearing about new vaccines that are supposedly necessary to defend against new diseases.

Ultimately the defense of a child's bloodstream resides with the parent. Knowing what the reader now knows about the way in which decisions are made about how a vaccine gets mandated in children's bloodstreams - what can we reasonably expect from a body of legislators controlled by the biggest of the special interest lobbies? Do we rely on them for sound judgment about what is to be injected into the most delicate and sensitive medium in the universe - the formative human circulatory system?

Real protection has to begin with information - sound information, not propaganda. With vaccines, we must learn about the ingredients, the culture media, the testing involved, the politics and economics involved, the actual anatomy and physiology of infants. And the information must come not only from those making their living selling vaccines.

This is not an anti-vaccine plead. This plead is in favor of any vaccines that have been scientifically tested and found to be absolutely effective, with no chance of harm to the recipient. Human health does not come from a drug or a vaccine or an insurance company. A healthy baby needs no outside assistance, no tampering with the blood. The mysteries of health lie within the body, not within the medical texts, or the writs of law.

Pure, uncontaminated human blood is indeed a sacred commodity. We will arrive at a position of profound gratitude when we finally come to appreciate the identity, the oneness, the nobility of an inviolate bloodstream.

Dr. Tim O'Shea is a recognized expert in the areas of healthy diets and longevity. He is a regular presenter at seminars and events on topics related to Immunization, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Colon Cleansing and Nutrition.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Rabies in The Philippines - A Misunderstood Disease

Rabies in The Philippines - A Misunderstood Disease

I have lived in the Philippines now, for almost 7 years and have been a member of a number of Expat forums & groups and yet the topic of Rabies never seems to be discussed. I know of it. I see small clinics with signs about Rabies shots and occasional mentioned in conversation if someone has been bitten but there is more 'out there' about Mosquito's, Malaria & Dengue than given to Rabies.

So... should we be more aware?
Rabies is a serious disease in animals which is transmittable to humans through bites and importantly also through scratches or licks on open wounds. Animals are infected through contact with virus-laden saliva from a rabid animal. In the Philippines, the most common sources of infection are dogs and cats.

The Philippines Department of Health (DOH) estimates that 300 to 600 Filipinos die of rabies each year. Sadly at least half of those infected are children aged between 5 and 14 years. Most people think that wild or stray dogs are the main carriers but almost 90% of the victims are bitten by their pet dogs. The DOH recognizes that rabies remains a public health problem in the country despite the enactment of Republic Act 9482, otherwise known as the Rabies Act of 2007 which seeks to eradicate rabies in the Philippines by 2020. Section 11 of RA 9482 imposes the following penalties on irresponsible pet owners:

1) Pet owners who fail or refuse to have their dog registered and immunized against rabies shall be punished by a fine of two thousand pesos (Php 2,000.00)

2) Pet owners who refuse to have their dog vaccinated against rabies shall be liable to pay for the vaccination of both the dog and the individuals bitten by their dog.

3) Pet owners who refuse to have their dog put under observation after said dog has bitten an individual shall be meted a fine of ten thousand pesos (Php 10,000.00)

4) Pet owners who refuse to have their dog put under observation and do not shoulder the medical expenses of the person bitten by their dog shall be meted a fine of twenty five thousand pesos (Php 25,000.00)

5) Pet owners who refuse to put a leash on their dogs while they are brought outside the house shall be meted a fine of five hundred pesos (Php 500.00) for each incident

6) An impounded dog shall be released to its owner upon payment of a fine of not less than five hundred pesos (Php 500.00) but not more than one thousand pesos (Php 1,000.00)

In recent years, the Philippines was ranked 5th by the World Health Organization in terms of prevalence of Rabies. In 2001, a long-time resident of the UK contracted rabies after being bitten by a dog in the Philippines and later died in a London hospital. In 2006, two Japanese nationals were infected after being bitten by dogs in the Philippines.

Rabies is easily preventable in this day and age but once the signs and symptoms appear, Rabies is almost always fatal and irreversible.

So if you are bitten, what should you do? This advice from Philip S. Chua, M.D. Cebu Doctors Hospital

Even if the bite is by a rabid animal, human rabies rarely occurs if proper and aggressive local wound care and systemic (passive immunization) therapy is immediately instituted after exposure (bite). Local wound care is most essential as a preventive measure for the actual development of rabies. The bitten area must be instantly cleaned thoroughly with soap and water, or benzalkonium chloride. Go to the nearest Emergency Room for more definitive treatment. Administration of rabies immune globulin for passive immunization followed by human diploid cell rabies vaccine (HDCV) or rabies vaccine, adsorbed (RVA) for active immunization, provides the best therapy for post-exposure prophylaxis. Both the passive and active vaccines should be used concurrently, given at different sites of the body.

Rabies is a highly misunderstood disease among Filipinos. Very few know that a small scratch or a playful lick on an open wound can cost a person his/her life. Many, especially those in rural areas, still believe that garlic and a few drops of vinegar can cure rabies. Tandoks or faith healers are believed to have the power to eliminate the virus from the body with the use of a stone (called batong buhay) or by sucking with the use of a Carabao horn or an animal bone are widely accepted as a wiser and more economical alternative to vaccination.

So, if you think you have been infected via a bite or scratch, seek immediate treatment at a local hospital or medical center. Any delay could prove fatal.

Much more information on Medical & Health in The Philippines can be found on my Website Live and Retire in The Philippines

Also facts & information on many subjects for visitors to the Philippines from Housing, Visas, Banking etc from Expats living there.

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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

What Is HPV? Human Papillomavirus Symptoms

What Is HPV? Human Papillomavirus Symptoms

The Human Papillomavirus or more commonly known as HPV is the term used for a group of more than 150 viruses. Although most of these viral infections do not manifest in humans, there are around 30 to 40 types of the virus that do which may cause the appearance of cutaneous formations like condylomas and papillomas. The name Papillomavirus derives from papillomas which in simple terms means warts. Warts may be flat, in the form of small bumps or they may also be cauliflower-shaped.

HPV infections are transferred primarily through sexual contact making the Human Papilloma Virus the leading cause of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) worldwide. In a few instances, some types of HPV infections may cause cancer. In women, it is cancer of the cervix, vulva, vagina and the anus. In men, the areas most affected are the penis, the tongue, tonsils and the throat. The most common HPV strains that cause infections in the anogenital tract of humans are HPV types 6, 11, 16 and 18. Other HPV types like HPV-5 may still cause warts but those are likely to appear on other sensitive parts of the body rather than in the anogenital area.

The majority of people carrying HPV infections do not usually have common symptoms of the Human Papillomavirus and are usually cleared of its presence after some years. However, once a person has been infected with HPV they are still capable of transmitting HPV infections to other sexual partners. In order to tell if a person is infected, he or she has to undergo some HPV DNA tests.

HPV infections are classified into two groups: the "low-risk" HPV infections and the "high-risk" HPV infections. Low-risk HPV types include HPV-6 and HPV-11, which create abnormalities in cells and are responsible for the appearance of genital warts. These HPV types are those that are curable and the abnormalities caused by them do not turn into cancer. On the other hand, HPV-16 and HPV-18 and a few other types of HPV are termed as oncogenic, carcinogenic thus are high-risk for developing cancer. These are persistent infections causing abnormalities in cells that lead to cancers in women such as severe dysplasia of the cervix.

All sexually active people are at risk of contracting the Human Papillomavirus. Having multiple sexual partners heightens the risks of getting infected with HPV so staying in a monogamous relationship is advantageous. The Human Papillomavirus infections are commonly transmitted through skin contact and the use of condoms to protect both the male and female genital regions are not a guarantee for not becoming infected. Studies have shown however, that condoms have been associated with lowering a woman's chances of contracting the virus and getting cervical cancer.

There is no medical treatment to cure the Human Papilomavirus itself, however there are methods to remove common warts, genital warts or cervical lesions caused by various types of the HPV infections.

Cryosurgery or freezing, loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) and conization are just some of these methods. The last two involve the removal of tissue from the affected area. There are drugs available for treating genital warts as well.

Two vaccines have been developed and approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for general use. Gardasil® and Cervarix® have proven to be effective against HPV infections particularly in treating high-risk HPVs such as HPV-16 and HPV-18.

Apart from various methods of wart removal treatments mentioned above it is important to keep your immune system healthy. High immune resistance will naturally fight the presence of HPV infections in your body therefore eliminating the appearance of warts.

Our site [] has been dedicated to providing you with the most recent and informative information about the Human Papillomavirus. You can read more about what HPV is [] by visiting our site.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

HPV Vaccine - Miracle Cure or Miracle Profits

HPV Vaccine - Miracle Cure or Miracle Profits

The HPV Vaccine has already been administered to over 35 million people. At $585.00 for the three-dose recommendation, that has manufacturers of the vaccine receiving over 20 billion dollars. The vaccine is said to be effective for five years, possibly longer, but given that males and females aged 9-26 are said to benefit from this vaccine, that would mean each person would need three courses of the vaccine over their lifetime bringing in close to 41 billion dollars. So the manufacturers benefit, but do the people receiving this vaccine really benefit?

HPV stands for Human Papilloma Virus. This virus is most commonly known as being responsible for genital warts. HPV affects both men and women and is contracted through sexual contact. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) there are over 40 strains of HPV. HPV is extremely common, however most people's bodies naturally cure HPV after a couple of years. There is a small percentage of the population that can develop cervical caner, penile cancer, anal cancer, vaginal cancer and more. Both men and women may be affected by HPV.

Before looking at the HPV vaccine it is important to note sexually active women and men should be screened annually by a physician and tested for HPV and cancer. Cervical cancer develops when HPV goes unchecked and can develop as a result of causes other than HPV. Most cases of HPV that could lead to cervical cancer can be prevented by early detection. Women who cannot afford health care are at a higher risk than women who visit a gynecologist regularly. Therefore it is critical that women are able to receive affordable or free gynecological health care and are educated about potential risks so they seek out health care. Women who do receive the vaccine are still encouraged to visit a health care provider on a regular basis to be screened for cervical cancer.

What is important to note is that this vaccine has been touted as a savior for women. As usual women are guilted into the vaccine through media coverage claiming we need to protect ourselves and it would be irresponsible to allow our girls to develop cervical cancer. Again, education is the best protection, however failing that, we should start to question why men aren't being encouraged to have this vaccine at the same rate.

There are currently two vaccines on the market - Gardasil, which is being marketed for men and women, although the CDC notes the vaccine is not routinely recommended for administration to males. This vaccine could prevent anal and penile cancers caused by HPV as well as genital warts. While genital warts are not life threatening, it is a disease transmittable to others, specifically women who may then contract cervical cancer. Men are just as responsible as women for spreading disease and should, if we decide this vaccine is worthwhile, be encouraged to have the vaccine as aggressively as women are encouraged.

The second vaccine, Cevarix, is targeted only towards women and deals with two strains of HPV that can lead to cervical cancer. This vaccine does not target genital warts. Gardasil is targeted to four strains.

While these products have been tested on thousands of people, side effects have only been observed for eight years. Within those 8 years there have been short-term side effects. Long-term side effects, such as increased risk for cancers may not appear for another 10 plus years.

According to the National Cancer Institute, from the 35 million doses administered there have been 18,727 reports of "adverse effects," resulting from use of Gardasil. 8% or 1,498 of those are considered serious. Serious effects include "hospitalization, death, permanent disability, congenital anomaly or life threatening illness." While these have been reported post vaccine, they have not been proven to be a result of the vaccine, although it is likely. In 2006, 9,700 women were diagnosed with cervical cancer and 3,700 women died. Not all cases of cervical cancer are related to HPV. So the vaccine could not have saved all 3,700 women. Statistics do not show the percentage of deaths due to HPV related cervical cancer versus other causes of cervical cancer. We have however determined Gardasil may cause serious illness to close to 1,500 women. Not a great statistic. Add to that girls and women who have reported blood clots in the heart, lungs, and legs after receiving the vaccine, as well as cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, a neurological disorder that results in muscle weakness and this vaccine does not appear to be such a miracle. With Cevarix there have only been 39 reports of adverse affects with 3% serious, according to the CDC. We may have saved 2,202 lives, however we don't know the long term effects that could potentially damage 35 million people and counting.

As for the long-term effects, that is something we will have to wait and see. Before people dismiss long-term effects, lets remember DES or Diethylstilbestrol. This was a synthetic estrogen given to women from 1940-1970 to reduce the risk of miscarriages and complications with pregnancy. In 1971, 21 years after this drug was first administered to women, it was found that those who received the estrogen had a higher risk of breast cancer. But that wasn't the shocking part. Girls born to women who had received DES while pregnant were found to have a higher risk to a rare vaginal tumor. Boys born to these women showed higher risk for testosterone deficiency and non-cancerous epididymal cysts as well as behavioral or neurological change, according to Wikipedia. The 3rd generation of children shows signs of a possible increase of infertility. The HPV vaccine is not currently recommended for pregnant women because not enough studies have been done on possible effects on the fetus. However, if a vaccine is not safe for a fetus, I would be wary about the potential effects on girls as young as 9 who are still developing.

We have no idea the long-term consequences of this vaccine. As women, and now men, wait and wonder if or what the potential future risks may be, the pharmaceutical companies, Merck and GlaxoSmithKline are filling their pockets to the tune of billions of dollars. Before rushing your sons or daughters to the doctor to receive this vaccine, consider talking to your children about sex, about condoms or abstinence, both of which will also prevent HPV related cancers without side effects.

Undiscovered Earth is a resource for Exploration, Environment, and Expression. Undiscovered Earth is a voice for those who love the outdoors, nature and the environment and features profiles environmental news, product reviews and poetry, fiction and essays.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

How Dangerous Is The Chikungunya Virus?

How Dangerous Is The Chikungunya Virus?

Medical advancement has been able to conquer almost all kinds of diseases today. Cures and vaccines are being developed for the most fatal diseases that human's are vulnerable to. However in the long list of diseases that haunt the human race, some diseases still remain untamed and no cure has been developed for them as of now. Chikungunya is one such disease.

Chikungunya might prove to be fatal if it is not treated in its initial stages. Since 1999, thousands of people have fallen victim to Chikungunya. Doctors were left puzzled and there was nothing much they could do to get a person out of Chikungunya fever and a lot of people lost their life to this fever.

As bad as it gets, no cure or vaccine has been developed till date to cure Chikungunya. Chikungunya eats up your system bit by bit till it completely exhausts almost all the functioning organs in the human body. Headaches, pain in joints, nausea, vomits, chills and rashes are common symptoms of Chikungunya. These symptoms are common for many other diseases as well but Chikungunya is a much more deadlier disease than any other disease. Proper precaution and regular visits to the doctor is a must if you want to save yourself from contacting this disease.

Often people would tell you that Chikungunya is a self-limiting condition. The incubation period after the bite is around 1-12 days but the fact lies intact: The fever literally destroys your immunity system. The virus poses a great threat to aged people. It can cause paralysis, kidney and liver disorder and cerebral problems. Similarly small children are extremely vulnerable to the fever. Children are often not capable of facing the symptoms of the virus and this is the reason so many deaths have been encountered in countries like Asia and Africa.

It is important to take proper precautions against the virus in order to stop the virus from spreading. Chikungunya is caused by infected mosquitoes especially the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. It is as dangerous as Dengue and causes immense pain to the patient. The disease has claimed more lives than you can imagine in countries in Africa and Asia. The disease has spread to various parts of the world by people who travel from the infected countries to other countries.

The Chikungunya virus featured in USA's list of their biological weapon. This suggests how dangerous the virus is and how important it is to take proper precautions against the virus.

James Raft is interested in learning about various new viruses. He is also a writer for Computer Lover, a computer website which has information on topics such as Computer Problems and Solutions, You Need A Budget Review and much, much more.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Immunotherapy and Cancer

Immunotherapy and Cancer

When chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are harsh treatments that can only kill the cancer by hurting the body, then a new type of treatment option that enhances the body's own immune system to fight off cancer would not only seem too good to be true, but almost logical in the simplicity of the concept.

Although it's easier said than done, it's a concept that is being put into practice and finding some admirable success. Immunotherapy is a new treatment method which uses natural substances to encourage the body's own immune system to fight off disease, or laboratory made immune system components to fight off unwanted disease. It is primarily used for cancer patients, but also benefits patients with allergies, Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, and other diseases. But it is within the cancer world that immunotherapy is finding the most success and hope.

According to the American Cancer Society, immunotherapy is still a small field which hasn't yet proven itself to be better than other types of cancer treatments. However, it's one that researchers say holds a lot of promise and "many future advances against cancer will probably come from this field."

Immunotherapy, also called biological therapy and biotherapy, is similar to cancer vaccines which is just another form of immunotherapy. Cancer vaccines can be either therapeutic (given after a cancer is diagnosed) or prophylactic (given before a cancer can develop). Extensive research is currently being done on all types of vaccines. Initial success showing the potential of cancer vaccines is seen in Gardasil, a vaccine which can prevent cervical cancer caused by certain types of human papillomavirus infection (HPV), a sexually transmitted disease. However, Gardasil is not a true cancer vaccine since it only targets a virus that can cause cervical cancer.

Immunotherapy is also similar to targeted drug therapy which seeks out those specific elements that signal cancer cells to grow. Targeted therapy drugs aim to halt specifically targeted molecules from signaling to cancer cells to begin growing and dividing uncontrollably. Some targeted therapy drugs overlap as immunotherapy drugs.

When cancer develops, malignant cancer cells grow and divide uncontrollably until a tumor forms. This process happens, in part, because the body's immune system fails to recognize the cancer cells as a foreign element which it would want to attack and destroy. Immunotherapy seeks to enhance the body's own ability to identify and destroy cancer cells, and prevent their spreading throughout the body. This identification of cancer cells as foreign is enhanced in immunotherapy delivery agents to recognize those antigens or molecules that are not normal to an organ's cells, and occur only in cancer cells. Therefore, when these cancer cells give off certain molecules, it signals to the immune system that it is foreign, and must be destroyed.

Immunotherapy is a complicated field involving different agents that are not called drugs or medication, but labeled as biological immune response modulators (BIRMs) or immunomodulators. These BIRMs include interferons, interleukins, colony-stimulating factors, monoclonal antibodies, cancer vaccines, gene therapy, and nonspecific immunomodulating agents. Since white blood cells are an important part of the body's immune system, many of these BIRMs are geared towards white blood cells in which there are many different types. BIRMs are also aimed at helping what are called antigen-presenting cells (APCs), which operate on the buddy system with white blood cells. APCs are the cells that tell white blood cells: "Hey, this unwanted cell I am attached to is foreign. If you see any more like it, destroy them."

There are two main types of immunotherapy agents, active and passive. Active BIRMs aim to stimulate elements of your body's own immune system to fight off the disease. Passive BIRMs are man-made immune system components which are administered with the goal of fighting off the disease without the body's immune system to help it.

BIRMs can also be classified on whether they target one specific type of antibody (unwanted cell it's seeking to prevent from aiding in the cancer process), called specific immunotherapy. Or, whether the BRM aids the entire immune system, called non-specific immunotherapy.

Currently, FDA approved immunotherapy is a part of the treatment process for many different types of cancer which include:

  • Breast Cancer
  • Cervical Cancer
  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Kidney Cancer
  • Leukemia
  • Lymphoma
  • Lung Cancer
  • Melanoma (skin cancer)
  • Ovarian Cancer and
  • Prostate Cancer

Biological Immune Response Modulators, cancer vaccines, and other forms of immunotherapy are being tested on other types of cancer, as well as improved immunotherapy agents on the cancer types mentioned above. These studies are moving through the clinical trial process with cautioned hope by cancer patients and doctors.

Jason L Morrow is the founder and editor of [] where you can learn more about leukemia symptoms [].

Monday, April 20, 2015

Best Information About Smallpox Disease

Best Information About Smallpox Disease

Since time immemorial, we, the human beings, have been faced with a wide variety of illnesses and infections.

Diseases can be divided into two main categories: Communicable and Non-communicable. Communicable are those which can be transmitted from one person to the other, through body fluids, skin contact and even sharing of body items among others. The question is, what is the smallpox?

Smallpox is a highly infectious disease and affects only humans. It is caused by viral pathogens, mainly the Variola minor and Variola major. It was first discovered in Europe, in the 15th Century. The doctors were in the process of distinguishing it to Great Pox, popularly known as Syphilis. The name Variola, which is the Latin version of the disease, is a rough definition of pimple-like growth on the body. It can also mean spots on the skin.

The main relationship between Smallpox and Syphilis can be traced to the vaccine of Smallpox. The scientific name of the vaccine is the Vaccina virus. According to scientists, the vaccine was discovered in 1976 by Ed Jenner. The source has been kept a secret because of the 'uncouth' and unusual ways in which Ed stumbled upon the vaccine. He discovered it by observing the syphilic hands of milk maidens working on the udders of cows, causing irritation and thus leading to sores. That un-scientific and crude process led to the product, the vaccine.

Many people including health workers confuse Smallpox with Chickenpox because of the similarity in names and symptoms among others. If chickenpox is a highly contagious disease that is very similar to the smallpox, how can we distinguish between them? One difference is that Chickenpox is cause by the Varicella zoster virus (VZV) unlike the Smallpox which is caused by the Variola.

Another differences is that symptoms of Smallpox include a full body rush that is more intense in the arms, legs and feet. The rush of the Chickenpox is lesser on the arms, legs and feet. There is also fever which starts two to four days before the rash occurs, unlike the chickenpox where the fever comes at the same time with the rash. In Smallpox, the pocks of the rash develop in all the body parts in the same progress and they develop slowly over time. In Chickenpox, the rash develops at different stages on different body parts and they develop rapidly over a short period of time.Sore throats, headaches and fever are the most common signs of Chickenpox. High fevers, headaches and back aches are the main signs of Smallpox.

So what is smallpox? Though highly contagious and very extreme, it has been contained and it can be easily treated by the vaccine. As of Chickenpox, there is no known vaccine. The infected people are given a series of treatments to alleviate the symptoms. The body naturally clears the virus from the system. After infection, the body is immune to further infections of Chickenpox. As of Smallpox, getting the vaccine a few days after infection, can lessen the chances of the disease developing and it can be contained.

The bottom line is that although we think that Smallpox have been vanished from the world, after the Anthrax attacks on USE in 2001, the fear that some samples are in hands of terrorist raised.

Fortunately, the known vaccine has proved to be very effective and some new research trying to develop a much more improved vaccine formula for any threat we could have.

Written by Stas, author of the site how to lose weight fast for girls. Visit my specially dedicated site for this topic:

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Pet Disease and Vaccination Guide

Pet Disease and Vaccination Guide

Many serious pet diseases can be prevented by vaccination. Even if always kept indoors, your pet can be exposed to viruses carried in the air, dust, or on clothing. Vaccination at a veterinarian clinic is inexpensive protection for your pet against serious disease, costly treatment, and premature death. Remember also that booster immunizations are necessary to continue protection.

In this article we will be focusing on dogs and cats. Please note that when the word "contagious" is used below, it usually means spreading from cat to cat, from dog to dog, or between dogs and cats. However, a couple of diseases can be spread from animal to human, and these type of diseases are called "zoonoses." The majority of animal diseases pose no threat to or cause only minor inconvenience and sickness in humans, and can be easily treated by your doctor. In fact, many pet owners have probably had zoonotic illnesses without even noticing the symptoms.

But like any other disease, some of these diseases can be more hazardous to those with poor immune systems, the very young, the very elderly, and pregnant women. A very small minority are of course unquestionably dangerous, e.g. rabies. Prevention - generally simple and easy to practice - will be discussed at the end of this article. First, let us look at some of the diseases that dogs and cats can get.

For Dogs

Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis (collectively referred to as DHL) are widespread, contagious and deadly diseases. Nearly every dog will be exposed during its lifetime, making vaccination a must.

Canine Cough, or Tracheobronchitis, is an upper respiratory infection that causes a persistent, dry, hacking cough. The disease may last several weeks and is highly contagious, especially if showing or boarding.

Parvovirus and coronavirus are intestinal infections resulting in viral diarrhea, fever, vomiting and depression. Transmitted through direct contact with an infected dog's feces or urine, both are highly contagious and life-threatening.

Heartworm is a life-threatening disease wherever mosquitoes are present. Preventive medication is a must here. However, your pet must be tested prior to starting on preventive medication because use of preventive medication in an infected dog could result in death. Annual testing is recommended even with year-round use of the preventive medication.

For Cats

Feline Leukemia, or FeLV, is now considered the leading cause of cat deaths. FeLV breaks down the cat's ability to fight off infection. The cat usually dies of a disease it would normally be able to resist. Effective FeLV vaccines are available to protect uninfected kittens but they must be given by 12 weeks of age.

Rhinotracheitis, Calici, and Chlamydia are feline respiratory diseases that are highly contagious and widespread. These diseases are easily spread from cat to cat. Even another cat that seems healthy can infect your cat. Chances are high that your cat will be exposed.

Feline Panleukopenia, also known as distemper, is highly contagious and can be fatal. Symptoms include depression, loss of appetite, fever, vomiting and diarrhea. Nine in ten cats with distemper may die from it. Since the disease is easily transmitted from cat to cat, chances are also very high that your cat will be exposed.

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) is an incurable, usually fatal viral disease. Vaccination is your pet's only protection.

For Both Dogs and Cats

Rabies is an incurable and fatal infection of the nervous system that attacks all warm blooded animals including humans. It is a public health hazard and risk to all pet owners. Therefore vaccination is your and your pet's only protection. Your pet should be vaccinated at 4 months of age.

Intestinal parasites, such as the parvovirus and coronavirus mentioned above, threaten your pet's health by causing intestinal blockage, bloody diarrhea and even premature death. Microscopic examination of your pet's stool should be done regularly, at least as part of the annual checkup, for early detection and treatment.

Dental examinations should be done at least annually as well. Periodontal disease does not only threaten the well-being of teeth and gums, but can also lead to infection in the liver, kidneys and heart. Regular examination of the teeth and gums as part of annual checkups, as well as following proper dental home care advice from your vet, are necessary for good pet health.

Prevention and Control

Geriatric workshops for elderly pets help detect many of the problems caused by aging (kidney, liver, heart, joints, dental, etc.). Early detection and proper treatment can lengthen and improve your pet's life. Spaying and neutering is recommended for all pets not intended for breeding. This surgery has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of many animal cancers and certain undesirable behavior. You can also protect dogs and cats from infection (and reinfection) by preventing access to birds, rodents, uncooked meat, and unpasteurized dairy products.

Fleas can transmit blood borne diseases from any other potential animal source to your pet. If swallowed, fleas can transmit tapeworms to your pet. Flea bites also can cause allergic reactions resulting in a painful, difficult to cure skin disease. Ticks are another common parasite that can carry and transmit Lyme Disease, which can pose a serious health risk to you and your pet. A flea and tick control program is needed on pets and in the home at the same time. Your veterinarian is best qualified to prescribe the proper products for you to prevent and control these parasites, and most of these products are carried at your local pet shop.

Lastly, general cleanliness (besides vaccination) is you best weapon for preventing pet-to-owner disease transmission. The following are some useful tips:

  1. It may be cute and pet owners are often extremely indulgent of their pets, but pets should not be allowed on food preparation or serving areas! This is especially true if you let your pet outdoors. In fact, it is also highly recommended that you keep your pet off the beds.
  2. Promptly disinfect areas which have become contaminated.
  3. Wash hands after handling contaminated pets and items.
  4. Do not share your ice cream, or any other human food, with your pet. Its mouth may contain viruses and bacteria. That tongue may have been cleaning its bottom shortly before licking your ice cream. Your pet may be also carrying all manner of germs on its paws, particularly if it has access to outdoors. In addition, remember that many human foods may be harmful to your pet's health.
  5. Clean out litter trays regularly, daily if needed. Wear rubber gloves for this task. Preferably, disinfect litter tray with very hot or even boiling water, but not chemical agents. Chemical disinfection is actually not very reliable, and the smell can discourage cats from litter boxes. It is best to wash hands after handling litter trays, even if you have worn gloves.
  6. Young children, the elderly, pregnant women, and those with weakened immune systems should make a special effort to avoid handling free-roaming and outdoor pets as their fur or paws have a greater risk of being contaminated than home/indoor pets.

J. Repasy has owned a pet store for more than 30 years and has a lot of knowledge and experience regarding pets and their health. More useful pet information can be viewed on his blog at

You can also follow him on Facebook at

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Genital Wart Removal for Men and Women

Genital Wart Removal for Men and Women

Genital warts can affect men and women alike and is one of the many sexually transmitted diseases. People with active sex life who do not take precautionary measures can become infected during their lifetime. Even the use of condoms cannot guarantee that a person will not be infected by the disease causing HPV.

Commonly caused by the human papilloma virus 6 and 11, the growth can start as early as three days from the date of infection to as long as three years. Although not all people may develop the unsightly genital warts, they still can get infected. In the US alone, there are about 20 million people who are carriers of the HPV.

Though it is shameful to have warts on the genitals, if you are suffering from this disease, you have need of a genital wart removal so that the infection won't spread to your partner. Laser and surgery are some of the options. Undergoing the treatment is exacting and embarrassing to some people especially when the treatment has to be repeated for weeks or months.

Although there is no cure for the virus and the infection may come back, genital warts need to be treated so as not to spread the virus to others and for physical comfort. And since there is really no cure for the HPV the best thing to do is through prevention. One way of preventing genital wart occurrence for women ages 9-26 is by immunization of Gardasil which is also a protection against certain types of HPV.

Depending on the nature of growth and location of the warts on the genitals, the doctor will recommend what treatment is best to use. The most convenient and less painful genital warts removal may be more expensive. Most often, the process for treatment can be via medications, surgery, cryotherapy, creams or immunotherapy. Warts on the penis is a lot easier to treat than vaginal warts and it could be done even at the doctor's office.

Cryosurgery which uses extreme cold in order to destroy abnormal tissues can treat this problem on our skin. Interferon injection may also be used to address the genital wart problem because it not only assists the immune response but also activates the natural killer cells and strengthen the resistance of host cells to viral infection.

The loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) or cutting the warts is one of the most common genital wart removal approach. Aside from the low-cost procedure, it is easy to do and with high success rate also. A local anesthesia is usually sufficient to make the patient comfortable during the treatment which could be done inside the doctor's office.

Though a bit expensive, the carbon dioxide or laser surgery is also one of the most useful and efficient among the alternative solutions to removing genital warts.This is done in severe cases.

Podofilox and imiquimod are the most common creams prescribed by doctors. Be careful in trying over the counter medications because they might damage the sensitive areas of your body. Research on the manufacturers and read some product reviews before trying any of the genital wart removal creams available in the market.

The symptoms for genital warts are usually painless bumps, discharge and itching. For males, they may appear on the urethra, penis, rectal area and the scrotum. Warts for women can grow at the vaginal opening or labia minora. They most often occur without symptoms for women. It is best to examine the vaginal canal, cervix or anorectal area for further possible infection. HPV can be dormant for years in our system and to decrease the chance of them coming back or from occurring is by boosting the immune system.

Vanesa does research on genital wart removal [] to help people have healthy skin. Their company has another ebook - "All About How to Remove Warts and Moles" Jack Liguori at []. Check out the site now and avail of their FREE mini course on Secrets to the Safe Removal of Warts, Moles and Skin Tags.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Poultry Diseases: Its Types and Treatment

Poultry Diseases: Its Types and Treatment

Poultry diseases refer to the arrival of bad health to the domesticated birds, which provide eggs, meat or feathers. Poultry, one of the most important sources of protein, includes chicken, turkeys, duck, goose and ostrich etc. Therefore, the diseases of poultry are becoming an issue at national and international levels. If the producers of the poultry want to get a profit from their investment on poultry farming then they have to always be conscious to prevent the poultry diseases that can attack to their farms anytime. Poultry diseases are of many types and they can be recovered too.

Types of Poultry Diseases:
The main types are infectious respiratory, miscellaneous viral, neoplastic, infectious viral of ducks, deficiency diseases and so many. There are many specific diseases, which belong to these categories.

1) Newcastle Disease: A paramyxovirus is responsible for this disease. The virus is transmittable through the discharge from the nostrils of the poultry folks. This disease mainly affects chickens. Affected chickens begin to suffer from breathing problem and they produce eggs with thin shells.

2) Chronic respiratory Disease: The cause of this disease is Mycoplasma gallisepticum. Being affected by this disease, the parent folks multiply the disease by transmitting to their offspring through their egg or contact. Mainly chickens and turkeys are infected by this disease. Young chickens respond to the infection through their lack of appetite, weight loss and breathing problem.

3) Infectious Bronchitis: Here the agent of this disease is Corona-virus. The virus is carried through the air from one bird to another and even from one farm to another. Chickens are more sensible to this disease. Affected older birds will produce eggs lesser than their previous production. Deformed eggs will come hand in hand with this dramatically decreased production.

4) Duck Virus Hepatitis: A picornavirus is in charge of this disease. It affects the liver and makes the colour yellowish. The young ducks are generally affected by this disease and the affected ducks begin to die within few days.

5) Duck Plague: A herpes virus is responsible for this disease. Other birds get the infection when they drink the open aired water. The affected birds become very thirsty and often die suddenly creating a gruff noise.

6) Lymphoid Leucosis: A retro virus creates this disease. It is mainly transmitted through the eggs. Tumors can be found in livers, kidneys of the affected birds resulting in a decreased egg production.

Beside these diseases, there are many poultry diseases like Marek's Disease, Inclusion Body Hepatitis, Fowl Pox, Infectious Anaemia and so many.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Poultry Disease:
Treatment and prevention are necessary to prevent poultry diseases. After detecting the Newcastle disease, though there is no specific treatment, vaccination is the only thing for the affected folks. Chronic respiratory disease can be found after blood test and instant introduction of antibiotics is entertained to prevent the disease. Vaccination is also necessary. Isolating the virus of the infectious bronchitis in the laboratory, the treatment starts.

Vaccination is needed to prevent the spreading of the disease. Serum therapy can be done in case of the Duck Hepatitis. To prevent this, the parents of the affected folks should be vaccinated. There is no treatment except prevention for Duck Plague. Clean water should be supplied. Lymphoid Leucosis disease can be cured by the detection of the virus in the laboratory followed by prevention. Though Fowl Fox poultry disease is tough to control, vaccination is the only way to treat the affected folks.

Though there is no connection between poultry diseases and human diseases, prevention and vaccination are the only way to treat the affected birds.

The main types of Poultry diseases are Infectious Respiratory Diseases, Miscellaneous viral Diseases, Neoplastic Diseases, Infectious Viral Diseases of ducks, Deficiency Diseases and so many. Click here for Poultry diseases.