Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Human Papillomavirus Infection - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Human Papillomavirus Infection - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Human Papillomavirus Infection also known as HPV. There are many kinds of HPV; the number could be more than 100. This is a virus that causes skin infection and infection in the mucous membrane. The other kinds of HPV could be responsible for causing cancer as well. This is a contagious disease and could be transmitted from one person to the other through sexual contact as well. In fact, in countries like Canada this is the most commonly sexually transmitted disease.

The HPV are not generally harmful in case it is not leading to cancer but could be embarrassing at the same time. The HPV is classified as the low risk one and the high risk HPV. The bifurcation would depend upon the fact if these are just causing infection or these would end up causing cancer. A person affected by HPV would have skin warts, genital warts, cervical dysplasia, and cervical cancer.

The major cause of the HVP is the breakthrough through the skin. It would get to the skin and would multiply and start to affect the skin. The person might not be able to know about the same for many weeks or months that he is infected with HPV. As mentioned HPV is transmitted through skin contact - using the same pool or equipments in the gym which has been used by a person infected by HPV could spread that to others as well. The expecting mother could be transmitting the same to the baby during labor. The children and the young adults are more prone to this. People who have multiple sexual partners could fall prey to HPV. Most commonly, people with the weak immune system could be caught into the HPV net.

The signs and symptoms of the HPV would vary from person to person. Not only this, you might have the HPV infection for years, but there would not be any symptoms on the surface. This makes it really difficult to be detected. Though, the common symptoms would be warts around the knee, face, finger or nails. These would be painless. Flat warts, plantar warts, genital warts, cervical dysplasia or Precancerous lesions could be the other symptoms. HPV is confused with many other STD and that is what would make people to run to the doctor for diagnoses.

When it comes to treatment, there is no treatment for HPV as such. This is supposed to go away naturally through the body immune system. Though, the signs and the symptoms that have surfaced due to this could be put to rest with vaccine and medication. Most of the medication recommended for the HPV would be podophyllin solution which would be applied on the area affected. Warts could be removed surgically or by freezing or burning or using any other clinical method. Colposcopy could be the way of putting the cellular changes and cervical infection to rest. Biopsy could be needed in some cases.

To make sure that you don't catch the HPV preventive measures should be taken.

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Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Cancer Research Industry

The Cancer Research Industry

Many volunteers world-wide commit themselves to raising funds for cancer research and cancer charities. Many hundreds of thousands more work in the industry as carers, or researching, prescribing, diagnosing and manufacturing drugs. Huge companies spend fortunes on cancer research. After so long and so many billions spent what exactly has cancer research revealed?

There have been regular breakthroughs in our understanding of cancer, but little progress in its treatment. Modern research into cancer began in the 1940's and 50's when scientists isolated substances that killed cancer cells growing in a petri dish, or leukaemia cells in laboratory mice. Early successes in chemotherapy set the pace and received much media exposure, even though they only applied to 5% of cancer treatments at most.

Serving humanity by solving its major diseases has a celebrity status, there is a lot of kudos and an air of Hollywood involved in such things. Cancer research is high profile activity and every now and then a scientific treatment is discovered that gains wide recognition, such as the HPV-16 trial, but it only applies itself to the treatment of a small percentage of cancers. Mass-media hype is part of the problem of how we see cancer. Early discoveries set up an expectation that there was a cure-all treatment, a 'magic bullet' that would make its discoverer famous by curing cancer across the world. The idea stems in part from aspirin, the original bullet that magically finds its way to the pain and diminishes it.

In the 1950's and 60's huge and expensive research projects were set up to test every known substance to see if it effected cancer cells. You might remember the discovery of the Madagascar Periwinkle (Catharansus Roseus), which revealed alkaloids (vinblastine and vincristine) that are still used in chemotherapy today. Taxol, a treatment for ovarian and breast cancer originally came from the Pacific Yew tree. A treatment for testicular cancer and small-cell lung cancer called 'Etoposide' was derived from the May apple. In 'Plants Used Against Cancer' by Jonathan Hartwell over 3,000 plants are identified from medical and folklore sources for treating cancer, about half of which have been shown to have some effect on cancer cells in a test tube.

When these plants are made into synthetic drugs, single chemicals are isolated and the rest of the plant is usually thrown away. The medicinally active molecules are extracted from the plant and modified until they are chemically unique. Then the compound is patented, given a brand name and tested.

In the first phase it will generally be tested on animals, the second phase will decide dosage levels and in phase 3 it is tested on people. By the time it is approved by the Federal Drugs Authority (in U.S.A.) or the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulation Agency (M.H.R.A.) in Britain, the development costs for a new drug can reach five hundred million dollars, which eventually has to be recouped from the consumer.

In addition to 'treatment directed' research such as finding chemicals that effect cancer cells, basic research continues apace, into differences between normal and cancerous cells. In the last 30 years this research has revealed much about our nature, but still no cure. Below are some current strands of scientific research into cancer.

Antibody-guided therapy: this is the original 'magic bullet'. Cancer researchers use monoclonal antibodies to carry poisons directly to the cancer cells without harming others.

Chronobiology: much of what happens in our bodies is governed by cycles, from the female monthly cycle to the cycles of brainwaves. Human health depends on interacting cycles geared to acts of perception, breathing, reproduction and renewal. Chronobiology analyses these cycles in relation to different times, such as day and night. Hormones, including stress and growth hormones, have their own cycles. For example they may be at their highest activity in the morning and quieter at night. Cancer cells seem to no longer obey the same cycle rates as normal cells.

Anti-telomerase: one part of a cell, called the telomerase, governs the life cycle of a cell and how many times it may multiply. Some cancer cells escape this control and can increase the number of times they divide, becoming 'immortal'. Researchers hope to gain control over cancer cells by stopping the action of telomerase.

Anti-angiogenesis: secondary tumours (metastasis) can persuade the cells around them to grow new blood vessels to feed the tumours, supplying oxygen and nutrients for the growing cancer. This process is called angiogenesis and research here is finding ways to stop the signals to normal cells that start the process.

Anti-adhesion molecules: Cancer cells form into clumps, unlike those in a petri dish which form into a flatter arrangement. When there are clumps of cells they seem to possess a quality that resists treatment. This strand of research looks at ways that can stop the cells clumping together, by dissolving the clumps for more effective treatment.

Anti-oncogene products: specific portions of D.N.A., called oncogenes, that have an important role in promoting cancer growth. Drugs that interfere with the production of oncogenes may be useful for the future treatment of cancer.

Gene therapy: research into the use of tumour suppressant genes is highlighted in the British National Cancer Plan as an important element. Essentially, bits of DNA are inserted to replace missing or damaged genes, possibly preventing the development of cancer in someone who might be 'high risk'.

Vaccines: very quietly the search for a general cure for cancer is being put aside in preference to finding a vaccine. The whole idea of a cure or treatment that is 'the same for everybody' breaks down in the case of the specific, chaotic conditions that cause cancer in an individual person. After billions spent on research for the holy grail of a cancer cure, the search is now on to find a vaccine.

At a recent cancer immunology conference in the US top immunologists from 21 nations attended lectures on the latest immunology topics such as:cancer immunosurveillance, immunoediting, cancer antigen discovery, monitoring and analysing the immunological response to human cancer, cancer vaccine development.

The Cancer Vaccine Collaborative (CVC) was launched to much excitement. It is a unique research program that should improve how cancer vaccines are developed, based on a collaboration of six New York medical centres and one in Minnesota. The aim of their research is to find out how to effectively immunise against cancer using a vaccine, using 'action research'.

Vaccines made from donor blood are proving to work for some cancers. Experiments with bone marrow transplants show there are about 40,000 different tissue types making it hard to find a match. Usually a perfect match can only be found within the patient's direct family. Incorrect matches can create a host of secondary dis-eases. Scientist are finding ways to train Killer T cells taken either from the host or a donor, to more effectively attack cancer cells. They have noticed that donor Killer T cells that are already 'primed' for a particular cancer (e.g. the donor body cells 'remember' the disease) can be highly effective. It may take many years to prove validity, reliability, safety and efficacy for this treatment. Harvesting the natural immunity of our own, or donor cells with the aid of genetic engineering may well become a big player against modern immune attacking dis-eases.

Increased screening: this type of research looks at genetically identifying individuals who might be at high risk of certain types of cancer and is partly a preparation for possible vaccines. Genetic counselling is set to become a 21st century contributor to health care based on prevention of disease as much as cure.

Combinations: research from West Germany (Grossart-Maticek) argues that there is no single cause for cancer, similar to the pattern in most chronic illness. It shows there are environmental, psychological and spiritual dimensions to disease. The implication is that treatment should be on the same levels, and that no single treatment is likely to be effective because there is no single cause. This observation links with the position of many Holistic practitioners who often have a wider view of health than orthodox medical practitioners.

Dr. Robert Buckman is an experienced cancer researcher, and author of the informative book: 'What You Really Need to Know About Cancer'. He summarises what he sees as the present position of scientific cancer research:

"We now have a very large number of ways of looking at cancer cells in the laboratory. We have thousands of different types of cancer cells growing in dishes, many of which can be grown and then cured in laboratory bred mice. We also have thousands of different ways of looking at and testing those cells. We can look at the cells' growth, their abilities to produce different substances, their sensitivity to some chemotherapy drugs and their resistance to others, the way they respond to growth factors, their genetic material including oncogenes and substances controlled by oncogenes, their ability to effect other cells (of the immune system, for example), their ability to damage membranes and invade, their structure under the electron microscope and whether or not the cell surface has any of hundreds of different marker molecules on it. These are just a few examples of what can be done nowadays: the complete list of ways in which cancer cells can be tested would probably be longer than this entire book. But here is the snag: although this accumulation of experience is wonderful and commendable, cancer in human beings is far more complicated then any laboratory system can ever be (at least in the light of current knowledge)".

This is an extract from 'Don't Get Cancer'a new ebook available only at: http://www.simonthescribe.co.uk/don'tget1.html [http://www.simonthescribe.co.uk/don]

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

What Is Vaccinosis?

What Is Vaccinosis?

For years the standard approach to fighting parasites, disease and virus in pets has been regular and multiple vaccinations. This preventive method has been curing the disease it is meant to cure, such as feline distemper, but through frequent and massive doses of the disease other degenerative conditions and new illnesses have developed that have made many in the pet care industry take notice. Now the chronic disease known as vaccinosis has become a hot topic among veterinarians concerned with reducing the amount of vaccines administered to dogs, cats and horses in the hopes of preventing further cases of ailments resulting from having harmful diseases placed directly in the bloodstream of pets.

Animal immune systems, like humans, evolve over time to recognize infections, viruses and bacteria and learn how to fight future attacks be building up resistance. Everyone has to suffer a cold in order to avoid the same bacterial strand in the future and animals are no different. However when you consider a human is vaccinated once for a disease such as H1N1 and a dog is vaccinated annually and with multiple shots for heart worms something seems odd about the practice. Today holistic veterinarians are asking important questions about the pet immunization process and if a rush to pharmaceutical solutions is always the best option.

Noted doctor Richard Moskowitcz put it rather succinctly in his well-documented article "The Case Against Immunization" when he said that by using vaccinations doctors and vets have bypassed key stages of disease prevention and have "accomplished what the entire immune system seems to have evolved in order to prevent: we have placed the virus directly into the blood, and given it free and immediate access to the major immune organs and tissues, without any obvious way of getting rid of it." Unfortunately pet owners are doing the very same thing only frequently and with multiple injections to their dogs and cats.

In addition to the degenerative immune system condition of vaccinosis veterinarians are also noticing more forms of cancer and leukemia in cats and dogs that undergo repeat vaccinations and the sudden development of tumors have led many holistic veterinarians wonder if these constant injections aren't in some way to blame for the pet's sudden demise. Knowing more about the options available for providing natural and holistic pet care can make a big difference in the health of your pet.

For more information about holistic veterinarian practices and natural pet products visit Holistic Vet Expert where you'll find helpful resources and holistic pet products to safely care for your pet.

Monday, March 23, 2015

My List of the Five Deadliest Communicable Diseases

My List of the Five Deadliest Communicable Diseases

I was reading a very interesting article entitled "The Five Deadliest Diseases in History" where the author looked at the deadliest diseases in history in terms of number of deaths over time.

I wanted to do something similar but from a different angle. My list includes 5 diseases that are always or nearly always fatal.

Some of these diseases are quite rare, some are well known. Some have no treatment options available and some have antibiotic, vaccination or other treatment, however death is a sure thing without appropriate and timely treatment.

The dictionary definition of case-fatality rate is the proportion of individuals contracting a disease who die of that disease. The following communicable diseases have a case-fatality rate of one hundred or nearly 100 percent.

Prion Disease

The prion diseases or transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) are characterized by progressive, deterioration of the brain. The human prion diseases are always fatal.

The TSE's include Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and all its variants, kuru and Gerstmann-Staussler-Scheinker syndrome.

Though not fully characterized, a prion is an abnormally folded protein which can have long incubation times of many years.

Human prion disease can be acquired through diet, medical treatment, surgery or blood transfusion and some are considered genetic. There is no treatment for human prion disease.

Naegleria fowleri

Infection with this free-living amoeba known as primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM) is nearly 100 percent fatal even with treatment.

The amoeba invades the brain through the nose while people partake in recreational water activities in warm, fresh water. The amoeba finds its way to the brain when water rushes up the nose and destroys the tissue of the brain.

Symptoms of this very rare disease include severe frontal headache, hallucinations, fever and death occurs within 10 days.

Untreated Rabies

This viral disease that people get through the bite of an infected animal is nearly 100% fatal in the absence of timely vaccination and rabies immunoglobulin.

Headache, fever, hydrophobia, delirium and occasionally convulsions are the symptoms seen before coma and death occurs.

Rabies is not a rare disease and 55,000 people die this horrible death worldwide mostly in developing countries because of inadequate or no post-exposure treatment.

Untreated Septicemic and Pneumonic Plague

While untreated bubonic plague has a case fatality rate of up to 60%, untreated septicemic and pneumonic plague are invariably fatal.

Plague is caused by infection with the bacterium, Yersinia pestis. People typically get this disease from the bite of a plague-infected flea. With timely and appropriate antibiotic treatment, all forms of plague can be countered.

Untreated African Sleeping Sickness

This disease which is restricted to certain areas of Africa is fatal without appropriate treatment. This parasitic disease from the Trypanosoma species is transmitted to people through the bite of the tse tse fly.

This disease starts out with fever, headache and joint pain later to invade the central nervous system.
At this point confusion and a disturbed sleep cycle kicks in and without treatment, coma and death will ensue.

The following communicable diseases get honorable mention as being close to having a 100 percent case-fatality rate:

Up to 90% case-fatality: Ebola virus
Up to 85% case-fatality: untreated inhalation anthrax
Up to 80% case-fatality: Marburg virus
Over 70% case fatality: Herpes B virus

I have over 20 years experience in clinical and public health microbiology and infectious diseases. I want to enlighten and inform about infectious diseases that could affect you, rare and common, and what you can do to protect you and your family from these dreaded afflictions. See more of my work at http://www.examiner.com/x-7707-Infectious-Disease-Examiner.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Obesity and Breastfeeding - Does Breastfeeding Protect the Child From Disease Later in Life?

Obesity and Breastfeeding - Does Breastfeeding Protect the Child From Disease Later in Life?

The question is, does breastfeeding protect the child from obesity and subsequent health issues later in life?

Several research studies have shown that growth during the first two years of a child's life has the potential to affect the development of many chronic diseases.

It's now known that obese children have a higher risk of becoming obese adults than children who were never overweight, and prevalence of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and other diseases are related to obesity.

To find out whether there was a correlation between breastfeeding and disease, a study of 9357 German nationality children between the ages of 5 and 6 was carried out. *

It was found that children who had never been breast fed were almost twice as likely to become obese.

It transpired that the longer the baby was breastfed, the less likely it was that the child would become obese by the age of 5 or 6.

After adjusting for potential factors not related to breastfeeding, it was found that the protective effect of breast feeding was not accounted for by differences in social class or lifestyle.

The researchers concluded that in industrialised nations promoting prolonged breast feeding may help to decrease the prevalence of obesity in children.

And, especially as children who are obese are more likely to become obese adults, the preventative measures of breastfeeding may eventually result in a reduction in diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other obesity-related diseases.

*In this study, overweight was defined as body mass index above the 90th centile, and obesity was defined as body mass index above the 97th centile of all the children who took part.

This article was written by Sonja VanderDol, Nutritional Therapist and founder of http://www.blueandgreenalgae.com where you can find many more articles like this. You can also sign up for the free newsletters.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Celiac Disease in Children - Your Ignorance About it Could Lead to Stunted Growth of Your Child

Celiac Disease in Children - Your Ignorance About it Could Lead to Stunted Growth of Your Child

If celiac disease symptoms go undiagnosed and untreated in a child, it can lead to stunted growth in a child. It can also lead to terminal illnesses such as cancer and diabetes later in life.

The disease is an ailment in which the body does not absorb the nutrients in the food that is ingested. This leads to ill health. It is triggered by intolerance of the body to gluten in foods. The sources of gluten in foods are wheat, rye, and barley. There are many foods that contain these elements or traces of them.

Therefore it is important to be aware of the symptoms of the disease in children and to deal with them.

At What Age Can The Disease First Appear?

Children can first show signs of the disease at any age. Infants can manifest the symptoms, shortly after having gluten introduced to their diets. Medical studies have shown that children who were introduced to gluten during the first three months of life had a five-times greater risk of developing celiac disease than children who were first exposed between four and six months of age. The symptoms in children typically become apparent three to five months after first consuming foods containing gluten, although for some few cases the interval may be as short as one month.

Children have a 5-10% chance of getting the disease, if someone in their family has it.

What Are The Symptoms Of Celiac Disease Children?

Acute diarrhoea is a common symptom to watch for in babies and children of all ages.

The physical symptoms you will see if your baby has the disease, will first appear soon after foods containing gluten are introduced into their diet, such as cereals and bread. Your baby's symptoms may include:

  • bulky and pale stools
  • smelly diarrhoea
  • vomiting
  • a swollen stomach
  • failure to gain weight and grow

Here are some of the physical symptoms of celiac disease children, after infancy. They may have:

  • poor growth or no growth
  • pale and smelly stools
  • diarrhoea
  • tiredness
  • breathlessness
  • irregular heartbeat
  • weight loss
  • bloated belly
  • vomiting
  • tiredness

Behavioral symptoms to watch for are:

  1. Irritability
  2. Listlessness
  3. Poor appetite
  4. Cranky
  5. Difficulty with concentration
  6. Memory difficulty

How To Treat (regard or think about) Children With The Disease

Parents of children, who have been newly diagnosed with the disease, may ask themselves the following type of questions:

How do we send them to school? How can we keep them from feeling different? How do we handle birthday parties and other special occasions? How can we talk to family and friends about this?

It is most important to treat the child in such a way that does not make the child feel different or inferior. Your attitude, and the attitude of extended family members, toward the child can have a significant impact on the mental and physical well being of the child.

It is also important to educate extended family - aunts, uncles and grandparents - and friends about the treatment of the child. You dont want them to convey an idea to the child that he/she is odd or different in some way. If a parent fails to manage this successfully, you may end up dealing with a child whose actual physical condition becomes worse than the celiac condition.

If you are constantly checking the the child for symptoms and questioning their behavior at school and when they are away from home, you will be focusing their attention on the illness. This is the reverse of what you want.

You want celiac disease children to think of themselves as normal, which they are in every way when they are on a diet free of gluten. The difference between them and any child who doesn't suffer from the disease, is a physical intolerance to rye, wheat and barley products. The child can live a perfectly happy, healthy and active life, if they are taught to eat a gluten free diet and actually do so. To remain free of symptoms, they will need to remain on this diet for the rest of their lives.

Undiagnosed celiac disease in a child has serious implications for the health and well being of the child. Celiac disease children can develop terminal illnesses in later life if the disease is not diagnosed and treated. The only known treatment for celiac disease is a gluten free diet, which must be followed for the rest of the child's life, in order to remain symptom free. This means that for a celiac child to live a normal, healthy and happy life, he or she must live a gluten free life. As the disease is not uncommon (1 in every 133 Ameicans suffer from it), can parents really afford ignorance of this disease?

Find out more about celiac disease.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Severs Disease of the Heel in Children

Severs Disease of the Heel in Children

Pain in the heel of children is not common, but when it does happen the most common reason is a condition known as Severs Disease. This is pain that develops in the back of the heel where the Achilles tendon inserts into the heel bone. The most common symptom of this is pain on activity and pain on squeezing the sides of the heel bone near the back.

Before we are born almost all bones in the body are a cartilage shell that is used as the framework for building bone. In the heel bone, the main part of the bone starts developing in the middle. There is also a flat plate of bone that starts developing at the back of the heel. Up until around the age of fifteen years, a small piece of cartilage separates these two growth areas of bone. It is at this cartilage that allows normal growth to occur. Around age fifteen years, these two areas of bone fuse to make one heel bone. Before this age, there can be some sort of strain of this cartilage area that can become painful, resulting in Severs Disease. Some like to consider this to be a stress fracture of the cartilage. It is more common in active children especially on hard surfaces as this adds more load to the growing area. The forces from the Achilles tendon also put a lot of strain on the growing area.

The first stage in treating this is some sort of activity modification. The child will need to cut back, but not necessarily eliminate, sporting activities to give it a change to heal. Heel raises inside the shoe are often used. The heel raise helps reduce the pull from the Achilles tendon and provides some cushioning to the damaged area. Sometimes strapping is also used to help reduce the pull of the tendon on the bone. Occasionally, some anti-inflammatory medication is needed to help settle it down. Foot orthotics have been reported as being helpful in those with biomechanical problems. If this does not help, then complete rest from sport is needed, and even a walking cast may need to be applied. This condition is self limiting, in that they will outgrow it by the time they reach age 15 or so when the bone fuses into one. However, there is plenty that can be done to help the symptoms before then.

Podiatry Arena has all the latest research on Severs Disease and all the latest discussions on Severs Disease.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Celiac Disease Linked to Autoimmune Disease in Children

Celiac Disease Linked to Autoimmune Disease in Children

Researchers have confirmed a genetic link between Celiac disease, Diabetes and a form of childhood arthritis, Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA). This genetic data furthers the support of a link between Celiac disease and autoimmune disease, especially inflammatory arthritis. This raises the question if gluten ingestion is safe for certain genetically predisposed individuals. Researchers from the University of Manchester, England, have published genetic DNA data that confirms a link between Celiac disease and diabetes to an autoimmune disorder in children, Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA). They found several DNA loci that are confirmed as being associated with Celiac disease and diabetes that are also present in patients with Juvenile Rheumatoid arthritis (JRA), an autoimmune inflammatory arthritis.

This is still a new concept to many physicians. In my experience, most Rheumatologists (autoimmune arthritis specialists) are skeptical of a link between Celiac and autoimmune arthritis conditions. Most pediatric endocrinologists and many adult endocrinologists (diabetes specialists) are aware of the link between Celiac and type I (juvenile onset, insulin dependent diabetes) and routinely screen their patients for Celiac disease. Those of us acquainted with the plight of those with Celiac and gluten sensitivity frequently see the association of gluten and autoimmune disorders. Many of these patients who already have a autoimmune disorder are frustrated, even angry, that gluten sensitivity was not considered before they developed an irreversible autoimmune disorder.

Many continue to be frustrated that their physicians give little credence to the role of gluten in their arthritis symptoms. These researchers further lend credence to the concept that there are genetic associations to Celiac disease and autoimmune disease, in particular autoimmune arthritis. See my website http://www.thefooddoc.com for more information.

Copyright 2011 The Food Doc, LLC http://www.thefooddoc.com/

The Food Doc is Dr. Scot M. Lewey, a gastroenterologist (digestive disease specialist). He is a Fellow of the American College of Gastroenterology and a Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine at Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine in Colorado.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Symptoms of Celiac Disease in Adults and Children

Symptoms of Celiac Disease in Adults and Children

Severe constant diarrhea with large amount of stools hovering in water and loss of weight are the symptoms of celiac disease. These symptoms were ordinary in infants and younger children who have a tendency to build up bowel symptoms and problems regarding growth just after they began eating cereals containing gluten. It was thought before that celiac ailment happened to children only and in many cases they could have outgrown it.

Today, it is known that the disease may start in any age, continue for life, may engage several organs and both in adults and children the symptoms of this illness may be tremendously changeable- or there can be no clear signs at all. Since there are no typical pictures of persons with the disease, some patients come to doctors for years, in search for some diagnosis of the illness.

The indications of any celiac disease constantly disappear whenever the patient pursues a strict diet which is free of gluten. In unusual circumstances, if the intestines were damaged severely by constant inflammation that they were not able to heal even with diets free of gluten, the patients are diagnosed of having a refractory or unresponsive, celiac disease.

Gastrointestinal-Related Symptoms of Celiac Disease

These signs can be erroneously attributed to some other gastrointestinal problems, like stomach ulcers, inflammatory bowel illness, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome:

- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Chronic indigestion
- Chronic bloating
- Poor appetite
- Abdominal cramping, distention and pain
- Mouth ulcers

Long -standing celiac disease which is not treated leads to a higher risk in adenocarcinoma and sometimes lymphoma in small intestines. Even with the increased danger, the occurrence of these tumors in some celiac patients is very unusual and if patients follow a strict diet which is free of gluten, the risk was reported to drop down and equal the danger of some healthy persons.

Malabsorption-Related Symptoms of Celiac Disease

The destruction of the tiny projections of the mucous membrane and some changes inside the tiny intestines spoils the ability to take up nutrients, minerals and vitamins which are fat-soluble like Vitamins A, D. E. and K. Signs and indications of malabsorption may include: Weight loss, failure flourish/stunted growth in children, fatigue, anemia, osteoporosis or osteopenia, abnormal coagulation due to lack of Vitamin K and bacterial overgrowth of the tiny intestines.

Other signs of celiac disease:

Dermatitis herpetiformis
Recurrent miscarriage
Abnormalities in dental enamel
Depression and anxiety
Autoimmune endocrine disorders, including thyroid disease
Peripheral neuropathy
Subtle abnormalities in blood tests for no obvious reasons
Elevated liver function test
Low serum (blood) protein levels
Low serum (blood) protein levels
Low serum (blood) calcium levels

These several lists of signs support the information that there are no classic ways for celiac illness to be determined. It is simple to miss, except physicians and patients bear in mind to consider it. It is specifically true for persons with numerous medical problems and in people who are totally fine but have genetic inclination. When celiac disease is exposed, acceptance of diet free from gluten will lessen the dangers for severe long-term problems.

Learn some facts about the Celiac Disease. Go and visit us at: [http://Celiac-Disease-Symptoms.org].

Monday, March 9, 2015

Type 2 Diabetes - Helping to Prevent Chronic Kidney Disease in Children

Type 2 Diabetes - Helping to Prevent Chronic Kidney Disease in Children

According to research reported from the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington, USA, mothers can start working to prevent their children developing chronic kidney disease before they are born... or even conceived. Chronic kidney disease is a slowly progressive condition in which the kidneys gradually lose their ability to filter excess water and wastes from the blood. This can result in fatigue, loss of appetite, weak bones, anemia, high blood pressure, and heart problems. The condition can eventually lead to kidney failure and the need for dialysis or kidney transplant. Most cases are caused by diabetes or high blood pressure.

The University of Washington Study's report in April 2014 in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, included 1994 patients under 21 years of age at the time they were diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, and 20,032 healthy people. When the medical records of the mothers of these children were compared, it was found the women...

  • diagnosed with Gestational diabetes, or
  • who were overweight or obese,

had children with a higher risk of developing chronic kidney disease than did those of healthy mothers. It was found...

  • children whose mothers had Gestational diabetes were 54 percent more likely to be diagnosed for the condition.
  • children whose mothers were overweight had a 24 percent greater risk, and
  • those children whose mothers were obese had a 26 percent greater risk.

From the above information it was concluded having Gestational diabetes or being overweight or obese on the part of mothers, could possibly affect their children's chances of developing chronic kidney disease. They suggest further studies could discover whether fewer cases of Gestational diabetes, obesity, and being overweight could lead to fewer cases of chronic kidney disease presenting itself in children.

Even before further research is completed, we know avoiding excess weight during pregnancy is ideal for both mothers and their children. Mothers who are fit have a lower risk of developing Type 2 diabetes after giving birth and their children also have a lower risk of becoming overweight or obese and developing full-blown Type 2 diabetes.

Women planning families are advised to assess their health and fitness as soon as possible. Body mass index (BMI) ideally should be between 18.5 and 24.9 in women with average musculature. Less body fat means a lower risk of developing Gestational diabetes. Women who are above the normal range need to eat a healthful diet with...

  • lots of fruits and vegetables for nutrients,
  • fiber, and a
  • low-fat content.

Salads are a great way to fill up and not out. Walking every day or performing some other aerobic exercise will not only help to control weight, but help every system of the body to become fit and able to handle the increased demands of pregnancy.

For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to http://DrugFreeType2Diabetes.com to learn about some of those secrets.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Children With Kidney Diseases Susceptible to High Blood Pressure

Children With Kidney Diseases Susceptible to High Blood Pressure

Do you know that high blood pressure is common in children with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)? It is common knowledge that high blood pressure (HBP) also known as hypertension is a precursor to most heart problems. Therefore it is important for children with CKD to have a regular blood pressure check up since early detection reduces the risks for complications.

In children, HBP is common among those who are overweight, African American, have CKD and have a family history of high blood pressure. When children are found to have HBP, parents should ensure that they get checked for kidney diseases as these may be an underlying cause. These include: inherited Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD); Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) - referring to damage in the filtering units of the kidneys; and Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS), which affects the blood and blood vessels; and problems that block urine flow in the urinary tract.

Parents should remember to measure their child's BP by using a blood pressure cuff that covers 80-100% of the circumference of child's arm. There is also special equipment designed for infants and newborns. BP reading for children is similar to that of adults where there is the systolic BP (top number) and the diastolic BP (bottom number). As a person gets older and gains more weight his BP also increases. This means that a normal BP for children would be lower than the normal level for adults. A doctor's pronouncement of HBP should be based on at least two blood pressure checkups. The normal level for children should be less than 130/80. Your child's doctor can tell you the target BP for the child.

When your child has been diagnosed with both CKD and hypertension it is important that a doctor specializing in both diseases for children get involved in his/her care and treatment plan. The treatment may be a combination of lifestyle changes and taking blood pressure pills for children. The pills would include angiotensis converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE) or angiotensis receptor blocker (ARB). Studies have shown that these drugs also protect kidney function. Water pills may also be given to children who have water and salt retention. Most children with CKD need more than one medicine. Your child's doctor will adjust the dosage base on his/her age and weight. As for lifestyle changes, an overweight child needs to lose weight, slow down snacking on salty foods like chips, and exercise regularly.

Your child's BP should be checked every time you visit the doctor. Other important tests for the kidneys include: Glomerular Filtration Rate (to see if the kidneys are functioning properly); and urine protein level to determine if the CKD is getting worse. It also detects the development of heart and blood vessel diseases.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Vulnerability of Children to Diseases

Vulnerability of Children to Diseases

We often think that when children are given the best care that they need, they are no longer susceptible to diseases and infections. But it's not, because children are easily infected due to their vulnerability especially in terms of their immune system.

Let me take my daughter for instance. She is really choosy when it comes to food. But one day when we arrived from the farm, she got a stomach ache which I thought was just normal because of the fruits that we have eaten there. I gave her a cup of tea to cleanse her stomach from any undigested foods. Yet, it did not soothe the ache. It worsen. On the second day, I brought her in a hospital for check-up. The doctor told me that she just need to take some medicines and a booster shoot for her stomach pains. After 24 hours of medication. She got better.

Since she was absent from class for almost 3 days, I let her went to school the next morning. But her teacher advised her to get home and be confined to a hospital because she vomitted in school. I was really shocked because I thought she was already well.

So, I confined her in a private hospital. She underwent a series of tests: x-rays, stool and urine test and also a blood test. It was from her blood sample that the pediatrician detected her infection or contamination to typhoid fever. According to the doctor, my daughter had eaten a human manure. I was really confused. Where did she eat that? The only thing that I remembered her eating was the ripe banana in the farm that could be the possible cause of her stomach ache and nothing more. When the doctor asked my daughter what did she eat, she said that she had eaten hot cake in school. After that she threw up.

My God! All along I was thinking that it was my fault that she got ill. It was really far from my imagination that she would contact typhoid fever in school because as what I have understood, this type of illness was usually accompanied with severe fever. In her case, she even have a normal temperature except for stomach ache and frequent vomitting.

You see how vulnerable children are! No matter how we take care of them, still they are easily infected with diseases that are really unexpected and unimaginable especially if they have no symptoms at all.

I guess, the best thing that we can do for our children is to have them take multivitamins everyday in order to strengthen their immune systems.

This article presents the vulnerability of our children to diseases no matter how we take good care of them.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Children With Crohns Disease

Children With Crohns Disease

Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disorder that generally takes place in between the age of 14 to 32 years. Nevertheless, Crohns disease can be seen even in children of other age groups also. It has been found out that Crohns disease in children is about 20 percent of all the cases and these children are under the age of 15. However, this disease can be noticed even in the child of 7 years. It affects both male and female equally. At times it is taken as hereditary in certain cases as 20 percent of people suffering from this disease have a blood relative suffering from some kind of inflammatory bowel disease. If this problem has existed in the family earlier, then one has increased chances of acquiring Crohn's in the teens and twenties. Youngsters may not experience weight loss in the initial stage of Crohn's, so they should not ignore the symptoms like improper growth or backsliding on height and must get a proper medical check up to find out the cause of these problems.

The bouts of Crohn's may be experienced in few months or even in years. However long-term Crohn's disease may prove debilitating for bowel. Including this it can also increases the chances of cancer by 20 times.

Crohns disease in children definitely does not make them contagious. Symptoms of Crohn's disease in children include abdominal pain and contracting, anemia, persistent diarrhea, unexplained fever, redness and pain in joints, inflammation in eyes that my cause even blindness if not treated, reduced appetite, fissures with unknown cause and rectal bleeding.

Any of these symptoms can be noticed in children suffering from Crohn's and generally they are not identified for a long time.

Crohns disease in children obstructs the natural growth of children, so if parents noticed that their child is not growing as per his/her age, they must consider this and see a doctor. Other possible indication of Crohns disease in children is a late onset of puberty and affected bone development. It is mostly detected by X-ray. Thus, it is very important for children to monitor height and weight development of their children.

It is essential to make certain modifications in the diet of children suffering from Crohn's disease as it is with adults. Crohns disease in children also causes inflammation, so to reduce the rate of relapse, fish oil should be used.

In the end Crohns disease in children can lead to rise of various self-image issues in them. It affects to their normal routine and thus they may feel detached from their normal activities of childhood and adolescence. Thus, it becomes the onus of family, friends and physician that they provide them emotional support so as to help them in maintaining their social and physical growth.

Dave Clark is an experienced article writer and has been writing articles and books for many years, he is very knowledgeable in numerous fields, Dave also works part time for Cushy Sofa a manufacturer and online retailer of Divans, Memory Foam Sofas, Memory Foam Pillows, Memory Foam Mattresses, and Memory Foam Toppers [http://www.cushysofa.co.uk], Buy your memory foam mattress direct from the manufacturer

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Obesity - The Link Between Obesity and Periodontal Disease in Children

Obesity - The Link Between Obesity and Periodontal Disease in Children

Obesity and periodontal disease often appear to be tethered to one another. In children, that link requires parents and health care providers to monitor each variable in an effort to maintain the overall health of those they care for.

One explanation is the change in eating and drinking habits of children. More sugared sodas, power drinks and fruit juice substitutes make up our young adults beverages of choice. Ironically milk and "healthy"- 100% juices given to children in bottles and sippy cups also contributes to the problem. The array of snack food available is overwhelming. The low fat variety, although at first glance may appear healthy, actually contains more sugar than the high fat variety. A lot less vitamin C and calcium are ingested per calories by children today. All of these factors add to the total number of empty calories consumed by children.

This change in diet along with less physical activity adds weight to children, particularly those predisposed to obesity. The average number of hours in front of a television set or computer grows each year.

One explanation for the link between obesity and periodontal disease is through the pathway of insulin resistance. Those who are obese produce more cytokines, putting the body in the state of constantly fighting infection and producing insulin resistance. Another, yet proven hypothesis for the link between obesity and periodontal disease is that the bacteria from gum disease may be interfering with fat metabolism.

Unfortunately the symptoms of periodontal disease are often not noticeable until the disease is advanced. A dentist can diagnose the disease in the early stages, prior to parents realizing their children have it. Thus, it is important that children receive regular six-month oral check ups and cleanings.

Periodontal disease is controlled by a disciplined and meticulous oral cleaning regimen, both at the dental office and at home. Professional treatment may require below the gum line scraping, three-month check ups instead of the traditional six-month, and a prescription oral rinse. Home treatment requires thorough plaque removal by brushing and flossing at least twice a day. Because it is a laborious task to floss, most children (and adults) don't.

Many children are negligent about their tooth brushing and flossing. As a parent it is important to find a way to enhance the experience, make it an expectation and a part of a twice daily routine. Remember studies now show that oral health is critical to total health.

Want to learn more on how to have a white and healthy smile and manage periodontal disease? I have designed and developed a home dental cleaning system that uses the technology of the professional Prophy-Jet to power wash between your teeth and around the gum line.

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From P., Piero DDS a practicing dentist and inventor of Dental Air Force® and "Baci The Dental Dog".

Follow ppierodds on Twitter at http://twitter.com/ppierodds.