Wednesday, April 29, 2015

What Is HPV? Human Papillomavirus Symptoms

What Is HPV? Human Papillomavirus Symptoms

The Human Papillomavirus or more commonly known as HPV is the term used for a group of more than 150 viruses. Although most of these viral infections do not manifest in humans, there are around 30 to 40 types of the virus that do which may cause the appearance of cutaneous formations like condylomas and papillomas. The name Papillomavirus derives from papillomas which in simple terms means warts. Warts may be flat, in the form of small bumps or they may also be cauliflower-shaped.

HPV infections are transferred primarily through sexual contact making the Human Papilloma Virus the leading cause of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) worldwide. In a few instances, some types of HPV infections may cause cancer. In women, it is cancer of the cervix, vulva, vagina and the anus. In men, the areas most affected are the penis, the tongue, tonsils and the throat. The most common HPV strains that cause infections in the anogenital tract of humans are HPV types 6, 11, 16 and 18. Other HPV types like HPV-5 may still cause warts but those are likely to appear on other sensitive parts of the body rather than in the anogenital area.

The majority of people carrying HPV infections do not usually have common symptoms of the Human Papillomavirus and are usually cleared of its presence after some years. However, once a person has been infected with HPV they are still capable of transmitting HPV infections to other sexual partners. In order to tell if a person is infected, he or she has to undergo some HPV DNA tests.

HPV infections are classified into two groups: the "low-risk" HPV infections and the "high-risk" HPV infections. Low-risk HPV types include HPV-6 and HPV-11, which create abnormalities in cells and are responsible for the appearance of genital warts. These HPV types are those that are curable and the abnormalities caused by them do not turn into cancer. On the other hand, HPV-16 and HPV-18 and a few other types of HPV are termed as oncogenic, carcinogenic thus are high-risk for developing cancer. These are persistent infections causing abnormalities in cells that lead to cancers in women such as severe dysplasia of the cervix.

All sexually active people are at risk of contracting the Human Papillomavirus. Having multiple sexual partners heightens the risks of getting infected with HPV so staying in a monogamous relationship is advantageous. The Human Papillomavirus infections are commonly transmitted through skin contact and the use of condoms to protect both the male and female genital regions are not a guarantee for not becoming infected. Studies have shown however, that condoms have been associated with lowering a woman's chances of contracting the virus and getting cervical cancer.

There is no medical treatment to cure the Human Papilomavirus itself, however there are methods to remove common warts, genital warts or cervical lesions caused by various types of the HPV infections.

Cryosurgery or freezing, loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) and conization are just some of these methods. The last two involve the removal of tissue from the affected area. There are drugs available for treating genital warts as well.

Two vaccines have been developed and approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for general use. Gardasil® and Cervarix® have proven to be effective against HPV infections particularly in treating high-risk HPVs such as HPV-16 and HPV-18.

Apart from various methods of wart removal treatments mentioned above it is important to keep your immune system healthy. High immune resistance will naturally fight the presence of HPV infections in your body therefore eliminating the appearance of warts.

Our site [] has been dedicated to providing you with the most recent and informative information about the Human Papillomavirus. You can read more about what HPV is [] by visiting our site.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

HPV Vaccine - Miracle Cure or Miracle Profits

HPV Vaccine - Miracle Cure or Miracle Profits

The HPV Vaccine has already been administered to over 35 million people. At $585.00 for the three-dose recommendation, that has manufacturers of the vaccine receiving over 20 billion dollars. The vaccine is said to be effective for five years, possibly longer, but given that males and females aged 9-26 are said to benefit from this vaccine, that would mean each person would need three courses of the vaccine over their lifetime bringing in close to 41 billion dollars. So the manufacturers benefit, but do the people receiving this vaccine really benefit?

HPV stands for Human Papilloma Virus. This virus is most commonly known as being responsible for genital warts. HPV affects both men and women and is contracted through sexual contact. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) there are over 40 strains of HPV. HPV is extremely common, however most people's bodies naturally cure HPV after a couple of years. There is a small percentage of the population that can develop cervical caner, penile cancer, anal cancer, vaginal cancer and more. Both men and women may be affected by HPV.

Before looking at the HPV vaccine it is important to note sexually active women and men should be screened annually by a physician and tested for HPV and cancer. Cervical cancer develops when HPV goes unchecked and can develop as a result of causes other than HPV. Most cases of HPV that could lead to cervical cancer can be prevented by early detection. Women who cannot afford health care are at a higher risk than women who visit a gynecologist regularly. Therefore it is critical that women are able to receive affordable or free gynecological health care and are educated about potential risks so they seek out health care. Women who do receive the vaccine are still encouraged to visit a health care provider on a regular basis to be screened for cervical cancer.

What is important to note is that this vaccine has been touted as a savior for women. As usual women are guilted into the vaccine through media coverage claiming we need to protect ourselves and it would be irresponsible to allow our girls to develop cervical cancer. Again, education is the best protection, however failing that, we should start to question why men aren't being encouraged to have this vaccine at the same rate.

There are currently two vaccines on the market - Gardasil, which is being marketed for men and women, although the CDC notes the vaccine is not routinely recommended for administration to males. This vaccine could prevent anal and penile cancers caused by HPV as well as genital warts. While genital warts are not life threatening, it is a disease transmittable to others, specifically women who may then contract cervical cancer. Men are just as responsible as women for spreading disease and should, if we decide this vaccine is worthwhile, be encouraged to have the vaccine as aggressively as women are encouraged.

The second vaccine, Cevarix, is targeted only towards women and deals with two strains of HPV that can lead to cervical cancer. This vaccine does not target genital warts. Gardasil is targeted to four strains.

While these products have been tested on thousands of people, side effects have only been observed for eight years. Within those 8 years there have been short-term side effects. Long-term side effects, such as increased risk for cancers may not appear for another 10 plus years.

According to the National Cancer Institute, from the 35 million doses administered there have been 18,727 reports of "adverse effects," resulting from use of Gardasil. 8% or 1,498 of those are considered serious. Serious effects include "hospitalization, death, permanent disability, congenital anomaly or life threatening illness." While these have been reported post vaccine, they have not been proven to be a result of the vaccine, although it is likely. In 2006, 9,700 women were diagnosed with cervical cancer and 3,700 women died. Not all cases of cervical cancer are related to HPV. So the vaccine could not have saved all 3,700 women. Statistics do not show the percentage of deaths due to HPV related cervical cancer versus other causes of cervical cancer. We have however determined Gardasil may cause serious illness to close to 1,500 women. Not a great statistic. Add to that girls and women who have reported blood clots in the heart, lungs, and legs after receiving the vaccine, as well as cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, a neurological disorder that results in muscle weakness and this vaccine does not appear to be such a miracle. With Cevarix there have only been 39 reports of adverse affects with 3% serious, according to the CDC. We may have saved 2,202 lives, however we don't know the long term effects that could potentially damage 35 million people and counting.

As for the long-term effects, that is something we will have to wait and see. Before people dismiss long-term effects, lets remember DES or Diethylstilbestrol. This was a synthetic estrogen given to women from 1940-1970 to reduce the risk of miscarriages and complications with pregnancy. In 1971, 21 years after this drug was first administered to women, it was found that those who received the estrogen had a higher risk of breast cancer. But that wasn't the shocking part. Girls born to women who had received DES while pregnant were found to have a higher risk to a rare vaginal tumor. Boys born to these women showed higher risk for testosterone deficiency and non-cancerous epididymal cysts as well as behavioral or neurological change, according to Wikipedia. The 3rd generation of children shows signs of a possible increase of infertility. The HPV vaccine is not currently recommended for pregnant women because not enough studies have been done on possible effects on the fetus. However, if a vaccine is not safe for a fetus, I would be wary about the potential effects on girls as young as 9 who are still developing.

We have no idea the long-term consequences of this vaccine. As women, and now men, wait and wonder if or what the potential future risks may be, the pharmaceutical companies, Merck and GlaxoSmithKline are filling their pockets to the tune of billions of dollars. Before rushing your sons or daughters to the doctor to receive this vaccine, consider talking to your children about sex, about condoms or abstinence, both of which will also prevent HPV related cancers without side effects.

Undiscovered Earth is a resource for Exploration, Environment, and Expression. Undiscovered Earth is a voice for those who love the outdoors, nature and the environment and features profiles environmental news, product reviews and poetry, fiction and essays.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

How Dangerous Is The Chikungunya Virus?

How Dangerous Is The Chikungunya Virus?

Medical advancement has been able to conquer almost all kinds of diseases today. Cures and vaccines are being developed for the most fatal diseases that human's are vulnerable to. However in the long list of diseases that haunt the human race, some diseases still remain untamed and no cure has been developed for them as of now. Chikungunya is one such disease.

Chikungunya might prove to be fatal if it is not treated in its initial stages. Since 1999, thousands of people have fallen victim to Chikungunya. Doctors were left puzzled and there was nothing much they could do to get a person out of Chikungunya fever and a lot of people lost their life to this fever.

As bad as it gets, no cure or vaccine has been developed till date to cure Chikungunya. Chikungunya eats up your system bit by bit till it completely exhausts almost all the functioning organs in the human body. Headaches, pain in joints, nausea, vomits, chills and rashes are common symptoms of Chikungunya. These symptoms are common for many other diseases as well but Chikungunya is a much more deadlier disease than any other disease. Proper precaution and regular visits to the doctor is a must if you want to save yourself from contacting this disease.

Often people would tell you that Chikungunya is a self-limiting condition. The incubation period after the bite is around 1-12 days but the fact lies intact: The fever literally destroys your immunity system. The virus poses a great threat to aged people. It can cause paralysis, kidney and liver disorder and cerebral problems. Similarly small children are extremely vulnerable to the fever. Children are often not capable of facing the symptoms of the virus and this is the reason so many deaths have been encountered in countries like Asia and Africa.

It is important to take proper precautions against the virus in order to stop the virus from spreading. Chikungunya is caused by infected mosquitoes especially the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. It is as dangerous as Dengue and causes immense pain to the patient. The disease has claimed more lives than you can imagine in countries in Africa and Asia. The disease has spread to various parts of the world by people who travel from the infected countries to other countries.

The Chikungunya virus featured in USA's list of their biological weapon. This suggests how dangerous the virus is and how important it is to take proper precautions against the virus.

James Raft is interested in learning about various new viruses. He is also a writer for Computer Lover, a computer website which has information on topics such as Computer Problems and Solutions, You Need A Budget Review and much, much more.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Immunotherapy and Cancer

Immunotherapy and Cancer

When chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are harsh treatments that can only kill the cancer by hurting the body, then a new type of treatment option that enhances the body's own immune system to fight off cancer would not only seem too good to be true, but almost logical in the simplicity of the concept.

Although it's easier said than done, it's a concept that is being put into practice and finding some admirable success. Immunotherapy is a new treatment method which uses natural substances to encourage the body's own immune system to fight off disease, or laboratory made immune system components to fight off unwanted disease. It is primarily used for cancer patients, but also benefits patients with allergies, Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, and other diseases. But it is within the cancer world that immunotherapy is finding the most success and hope.

According to the American Cancer Society, immunotherapy is still a small field which hasn't yet proven itself to be better than other types of cancer treatments. However, it's one that researchers say holds a lot of promise and "many future advances against cancer will probably come from this field."

Immunotherapy, also called biological therapy and biotherapy, is similar to cancer vaccines which is just another form of immunotherapy. Cancer vaccines can be either therapeutic (given after a cancer is diagnosed) or prophylactic (given before a cancer can develop). Extensive research is currently being done on all types of vaccines. Initial success showing the potential of cancer vaccines is seen in Gardasil, a vaccine which can prevent cervical cancer caused by certain types of human papillomavirus infection (HPV), a sexually transmitted disease. However, Gardasil is not a true cancer vaccine since it only targets a virus that can cause cervical cancer.

Immunotherapy is also similar to targeted drug therapy which seeks out those specific elements that signal cancer cells to grow. Targeted therapy drugs aim to halt specifically targeted molecules from signaling to cancer cells to begin growing and dividing uncontrollably. Some targeted therapy drugs overlap as immunotherapy drugs.

When cancer develops, malignant cancer cells grow and divide uncontrollably until a tumor forms. This process happens, in part, because the body's immune system fails to recognize the cancer cells as a foreign element which it would want to attack and destroy. Immunotherapy seeks to enhance the body's own ability to identify and destroy cancer cells, and prevent their spreading throughout the body. This identification of cancer cells as foreign is enhanced in immunotherapy delivery agents to recognize those antigens or molecules that are not normal to an organ's cells, and occur only in cancer cells. Therefore, when these cancer cells give off certain molecules, it signals to the immune system that it is foreign, and must be destroyed.

Immunotherapy is a complicated field involving different agents that are not called drugs or medication, but labeled as biological immune response modulators (BIRMs) or immunomodulators. These BIRMs include interferons, interleukins, colony-stimulating factors, monoclonal antibodies, cancer vaccines, gene therapy, and nonspecific immunomodulating agents. Since white blood cells are an important part of the body's immune system, many of these BIRMs are geared towards white blood cells in which there are many different types. BIRMs are also aimed at helping what are called antigen-presenting cells (APCs), which operate on the buddy system with white blood cells. APCs are the cells that tell white blood cells: "Hey, this unwanted cell I am attached to is foreign. If you see any more like it, destroy them."

There are two main types of immunotherapy agents, active and passive. Active BIRMs aim to stimulate elements of your body's own immune system to fight off the disease. Passive BIRMs are man-made immune system components which are administered with the goal of fighting off the disease without the body's immune system to help it.

BIRMs can also be classified on whether they target one specific type of antibody (unwanted cell it's seeking to prevent from aiding in the cancer process), called specific immunotherapy. Or, whether the BRM aids the entire immune system, called non-specific immunotherapy.

Currently, FDA approved immunotherapy is a part of the treatment process for many different types of cancer which include:

  • Breast Cancer
  • Cervical Cancer
  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Kidney Cancer
  • Leukemia
  • Lymphoma
  • Lung Cancer
  • Melanoma (skin cancer)
  • Ovarian Cancer and
  • Prostate Cancer

Biological Immune Response Modulators, cancer vaccines, and other forms of immunotherapy are being tested on other types of cancer, as well as improved immunotherapy agents on the cancer types mentioned above. These studies are moving through the clinical trial process with cautioned hope by cancer patients and doctors.

Jason L Morrow is the founder and editor of [] where you can learn more about leukemia symptoms [].

Monday, April 20, 2015

Best Information About Smallpox Disease

Best Information About Smallpox Disease

Since time immemorial, we, the human beings, have been faced with a wide variety of illnesses and infections.

Diseases can be divided into two main categories: Communicable and Non-communicable. Communicable are those which can be transmitted from one person to the other, through body fluids, skin contact and even sharing of body items among others. The question is, what is the smallpox?

Smallpox is a highly infectious disease and affects only humans. It is caused by viral pathogens, mainly the Variola minor and Variola major. It was first discovered in Europe, in the 15th Century. The doctors were in the process of distinguishing it to Great Pox, popularly known as Syphilis. The name Variola, which is the Latin version of the disease, is a rough definition of pimple-like growth on the body. It can also mean spots on the skin.

The main relationship between Smallpox and Syphilis can be traced to the vaccine of Smallpox. The scientific name of the vaccine is the Vaccina virus. According to scientists, the vaccine was discovered in 1976 by Ed Jenner. The source has been kept a secret because of the 'uncouth' and unusual ways in which Ed stumbled upon the vaccine. He discovered it by observing the syphilic hands of milk maidens working on the udders of cows, causing irritation and thus leading to sores. That un-scientific and crude process led to the product, the vaccine.

Many people including health workers confuse Smallpox with Chickenpox because of the similarity in names and symptoms among others. If chickenpox is a highly contagious disease that is very similar to the smallpox, how can we distinguish between them? One difference is that Chickenpox is cause by the Varicella zoster virus (VZV) unlike the Smallpox which is caused by the Variola.

Another differences is that symptoms of Smallpox include a full body rush that is more intense in the arms, legs and feet. The rush of the Chickenpox is lesser on the arms, legs and feet. There is also fever which starts two to four days before the rash occurs, unlike the chickenpox where the fever comes at the same time with the rash. In Smallpox, the pocks of the rash develop in all the body parts in the same progress and they develop slowly over time. In Chickenpox, the rash develops at different stages on different body parts and they develop rapidly over a short period of time.Sore throats, headaches and fever are the most common signs of Chickenpox. High fevers, headaches and back aches are the main signs of Smallpox.

So what is smallpox? Though highly contagious and very extreme, it has been contained and it can be easily treated by the vaccine. As of Chickenpox, there is no known vaccine. The infected people are given a series of treatments to alleviate the symptoms. The body naturally clears the virus from the system. After infection, the body is immune to further infections of Chickenpox. As of Smallpox, getting the vaccine a few days after infection, can lessen the chances of the disease developing and it can be contained.

The bottom line is that although we think that Smallpox have been vanished from the world, after the Anthrax attacks on USE in 2001, the fear that some samples are in hands of terrorist raised.

Fortunately, the known vaccine has proved to be very effective and some new research trying to develop a much more improved vaccine formula for any threat we could have.

Written by Stas, author of the site how to lose weight fast for girls. Visit my specially dedicated site for this topic:

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Pet Disease and Vaccination Guide

Pet Disease and Vaccination Guide

Many serious pet diseases can be prevented by vaccination. Even if always kept indoors, your pet can be exposed to viruses carried in the air, dust, or on clothing. Vaccination at a veterinarian clinic is inexpensive protection for your pet against serious disease, costly treatment, and premature death. Remember also that booster immunizations are necessary to continue protection.

In this article we will be focusing on dogs and cats. Please note that when the word "contagious" is used below, it usually means spreading from cat to cat, from dog to dog, or between dogs and cats. However, a couple of diseases can be spread from animal to human, and these type of diseases are called "zoonoses." The majority of animal diseases pose no threat to or cause only minor inconvenience and sickness in humans, and can be easily treated by your doctor. In fact, many pet owners have probably had zoonotic illnesses without even noticing the symptoms.

But like any other disease, some of these diseases can be more hazardous to those with poor immune systems, the very young, the very elderly, and pregnant women. A very small minority are of course unquestionably dangerous, e.g. rabies. Prevention - generally simple and easy to practice - will be discussed at the end of this article. First, let us look at some of the diseases that dogs and cats can get.

For Dogs

Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis (collectively referred to as DHL) are widespread, contagious and deadly diseases. Nearly every dog will be exposed during its lifetime, making vaccination a must.

Canine Cough, or Tracheobronchitis, is an upper respiratory infection that causes a persistent, dry, hacking cough. The disease may last several weeks and is highly contagious, especially if showing or boarding.

Parvovirus and coronavirus are intestinal infections resulting in viral diarrhea, fever, vomiting and depression. Transmitted through direct contact with an infected dog's feces or urine, both are highly contagious and life-threatening.

Heartworm is a life-threatening disease wherever mosquitoes are present. Preventive medication is a must here. However, your pet must be tested prior to starting on preventive medication because use of preventive medication in an infected dog could result in death. Annual testing is recommended even with year-round use of the preventive medication.

For Cats

Feline Leukemia, or FeLV, is now considered the leading cause of cat deaths. FeLV breaks down the cat's ability to fight off infection. The cat usually dies of a disease it would normally be able to resist. Effective FeLV vaccines are available to protect uninfected kittens but they must be given by 12 weeks of age.

Rhinotracheitis, Calici, and Chlamydia are feline respiratory diseases that are highly contagious and widespread. These diseases are easily spread from cat to cat. Even another cat that seems healthy can infect your cat. Chances are high that your cat will be exposed.

Feline Panleukopenia, also known as distemper, is highly contagious and can be fatal. Symptoms include depression, loss of appetite, fever, vomiting and diarrhea. Nine in ten cats with distemper may die from it. Since the disease is easily transmitted from cat to cat, chances are also very high that your cat will be exposed.

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) is an incurable, usually fatal viral disease. Vaccination is your pet's only protection.

For Both Dogs and Cats

Rabies is an incurable and fatal infection of the nervous system that attacks all warm blooded animals including humans. It is a public health hazard and risk to all pet owners. Therefore vaccination is your and your pet's only protection. Your pet should be vaccinated at 4 months of age.

Intestinal parasites, such as the parvovirus and coronavirus mentioned above, threaten your pet's health by causing intestinal blockage, bloody diarrhea and even premature death. Microscopic examination of your pet's stool should be done regularly, at least as part of the annual checkup, for early detection and treatment.

Dental examinations should be done at least annually as well. Periodontal disease does not only threaten the well-being of teeth and gums, but can also lead to infection in the liver, kidneys and heart. Regular examination of the teeth and gums as part of annual checkups, as well as following proper dental home care advice from your vet, are necessary for good pet health.

Prevention and Control

Geriatric workshops for elderly pets help detect many of the problems caused by aging (kidney, liver, heart, joints, dental, etc.). Early detection and proper treatment can lengthen and improve your pet's life. Spaying and neutering is recommended for all pets not intended for breeding. This surgery has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of many animal cancers and certain undesirable behavior. You can also protect dogs and cats from infection (and reinfection) by preventing access to birds, rodents, uncooked meat, and unpasteurized dairy products.

Fleas can transmit blood borne diseases from any other potential animal source to your pet. If swallowed, fleas can transmit tapeworms to your pet. Flea bites also can cause allergic reactions resulting in a painful, difficult to cure skin disease. Ticks are another common parasite that can carry and transmit Lyme Disease, which can pose a serious health risk to you and your pet. A flea and tick control program is needed on pets and in the home at the same time. Your veterinarian is best qualified to prescribe the proper products for you to prevent and control these parasites, and most of these products are carried at your local pet shop.

Lastly, general cleanliness (besides vaccination) is you best weapon for preventing pet-to-owner disease transmission. The following are some useful tips:

  1. It may be cute and pet owners are often extremely indulgent of their pets, but pets should not be allowed on food preparation or serving areas! This is especially true if you let your pet outdoors. In fact, it is also highly recommended that you keep your pet off the beds.
  2. Promptly disinfect areas which have become contaminated.
  3. Wash hands after handling contaminated pets and items.
  4. Do not share your ice cream, or any other human food, with your pet. Its mouth may contain viruses and bacteria. That tongue may have been cleaning its bottom shortly before licking your ice cream. Your pet may be also carrying all manner of germs on its paws, particularly if it has access to outdoors. In addition, remember that many human foods may be harmful to your pet's health.
  5. Clean out litter trays regularly, daily if needed. Wear rubber gloves for this task. Preferably, disinfect litter tray with very hot or even boiling water, but not chemical agents. Chemical disinfection is actually not very reliable, and the smell can discourage cats from litter boxes. It is best to wash hands after handling litter trays, even if you have worn gloves.
  6. Young children, the elderly, pregnant women, and those with weakened immune systems should make a special effort to avoid handling free-roaming and outdoor pets as their fur or paws have a greater risk of being contaminated than home/indoor pets.

J. Repasy has owned a pet store for more than 30 years and has a lot of knowledge and experience regarding pets and their health. More useful pet information can be viewed on his blog at

You can also follow him on Facebook at

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Genital Wart Removal for Men and Women

Genital Wart Removal for Men and Women

Genital warts can affect men and women alike and is one of the many sexually transmitted diseases. People with active sex life who do not take precautionary measures can become infected during their lifetime. Even the use of condoms cannot guarantee that a person will not be infected by the disease causing HPV.

Commonly caused by the human papilloma virus 6 and 11, the growth can start as early as three days from the date of infection to as long as three years. Although not all people may develop the unsightly genital warts, they still can get infected. In the US alone, there are about 20 million people who are carriers of the HPV.

Though it is shameful to have warts on the genitals, if you are suffering from this disease, you have need of a genital wart removal so that the infection won't spread to your partner. Laser and surgery are some of the options. Undergoing the treatment is exacting and embarrassing to some people especially when the treatment has to be repeated for weeks or months.

Although there is no cure for the virus and the infection may come back, genital warts need to be treated so as not to spread the virus to others and for physical comfort. And since there is really no cure for the HPV the best thing to do is through prevention. One way of preventing genital wart occurrence for women ages 9-26 is by immunization of Gardasil which is also a protection against certain types of HPV.

Depending on the nature of growth and location of the warts on the genitals, the doctor will recommend what treatment is best to use. The most convenient and less painful genital warts removal may be more expensive. Most often, the process for treatment can be via medications, surgery, cryotherapy, creams or immunotherapy. Warts on the penis is a lot easier to treat than vaginal warts and it could be done even at the doctor's office.

Cryosurgery which uses extreme cold in order to destroy abnormal tissues can treat this problem on our skin. Interferon injection may also be used to address the genital wart problem because it not only assists the immune response but also activates the natural killer cells and strengthen the resistance of host cells to viral infection.

The loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) or cutting the warts is one of the most common genital wart removal approach. Aside from the low-cost procedure, it is easy to do and with high success rate also. A local anesthesia is usually sufficient to make the patient comfortable during the treatment which could be done inside the doctor's office.

Though a bit expensive, the carbon dioxide or laser surgery is also one of the most useful and efficient among the alternative solutions to removing genital warts.This is done in severe cases.

Podofilox and imiquimod are the most common creams prescribed by doctors. Be careful in trying over the counter medications because they might damage the sensitive areas of your body. Research on the manufacturers and read some product reviews before trying any of the genital wart removal creams available in the market.

The symptoms for genital warts are usually painless bumps, discharge and itching. For males, they may appear on the urethra, penis, rectal area and the scrotum. Warts for women can grow at the vaginal opening or labia minora. They most often occur without symptoms for women. It is best to examine the vaginal canal, cervix or anorectal area for further possible infection. HPV can be dormant for years in our system and to decrease the chance of them coming back or from occurring is by boosting the immune system.

Vanesa does research on genital wart removal [] to help people have healthy skin. Their company has another ebook - "All About How to Remove Warts and Moles" Jack Liguori at []. Check out the site now and avail of their FREE mini course on Secrets to the Safe Removal of Warts, Moles and Skin Tags.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Poultry Diseases: Its Types and Treatment

Poultry Diseases: Its Types and Treatment

Poultry diseases refer to the arrival of bad health to the domesticated birds, which provide eggs, meat or feathers. Poultry, one of the most important sources of protein, includes chicken, turkeys, duck, goose and ostrich etc. Therefore, the diseases of poultry are becoming an issue at national and international levels. If the producers of the poultry want to get a profit from their investment on poultry farming then they have to always be conscious to prevent the poultry diseases that can attack to their farms anytime. Poultry diseases are of many types and they can be recovered too.

Types of Poultry Diseases:
The main types are infectious respiratory, miscellaneous viral, neoplastic, infectious viral of ducks, deficiency diseases and so many. There are many specific diseases, which belong to these categories.

1) Newcastle Disease: A paramyxovirus is responsible for this disease. The virus is transmittable through the discharge from the nostrils of the poultry folks. This disease mainly affects chickens. Affected chickens begin to suffer from breathing problem and they produce eggs with thin shells.

2) Chronic respiratory Disease: The cause of this disease is Mycoplasma gallisepticum. Being affected by this disease, the parent folks multiply the disease by transmitting to their offspring through their egg or contact. Mainly chickens and turkeys are infected by this disease. Young chickens respond to the infection through their lack of appetite, weight loss and breathing problem.

3) Infectious Bronchitis: Here the agent of this disease is Corona-virus. The virus is carried through the air from one bird to another and even from one farm to another. Chickens are more sensible to this disease. Affected older birds will produce eggs lesser than their previous production. Deformed eggs will come hand in hand with this dramatically decreased production.

4) Duck Virus Hepatitis: A picornavirus is in charge of this disease. It affects the liver and makes the colour yellowish. The young ducks are generally affected by this disease and the affected ducks begin to die within few days.

5) Duck Plague: A herpes virus is responsible for this disease. Other birds get the infection when they drink the open aired water. The affected birds become very thirsty and often die suddenly creating a gruff noise.

6) Lymphoid Leucosis: A retro virus creates this disease. It is mainly transmitted through the eggs. Tumors can be found in livers, kidneys of the affected birds resulting in a decreased egg production.

Beside these diseases, there are many poultry diseases like Marek's Disease, Inclusion Body Hepatitis, Fowl Pox, Infectious Anaemia and so many.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Poultry Disease:
Treatment and prevention are necessary to prevent poultry diseases. After detecting the Newcastle disease, though there is no specific treatment, vaccination is the only thing for the affected folks. Chronic respiratory disease can be found after blood test and instant introduction of antibiotics is entertained to prevent the disease. Vaccination is also necessary. Isolating the virus of the infectious bronchitis in the laboratory, the treatment starts.

Vaccination is needed to prevent the spreading of the disease. Serum therapy can be done in case of the Duck Hepatitis. To prevent this, the parents of the affected folks should be vaccinated. There is no treatment except prevention for Duck Plague. Clean water should be supplied. Lymphoid Leucosis disease can be cured by the detection of the virus in the laboratory followed by prevention. Though Fowl Fox poultry disease is tough to control, vaccination is the only way to treat the affected folks.

Though there is no connection between poultry diseases and human diseases, prevention and vaccination are the only way to treat the affected birds.

The main types of Poultry diseases are Infectious Respiratory Diseases, Miscellaneous viral Diseases, Neoplastic Diseases, Infectious Viral Diseases of ducks, Deficiency Diseases and so many. Click here for Poultry diseases.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Importance Of A Vaccination Schedule

Importance Of A Vaccination Schedule

A recommended vaccination schedule was developed by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices and it was then adopted by most of the other healthcare organizations in the country. This schedule has laid down a timetable that will help you ensure that your baby will get his or her vaccinations at the proper time. The schedule is easily available in a number of formats on the internet so that you can download it and refer to it regularly.

Importance of Keeping A Vaccine Schedule

Vaccines are given to children in order to build their immunity so that they can fight diseases and illnesses. These should be given while they are still young so that the risk of catching these diseases is reduced. Without the vaccination, the baby might not be able to fight off the disease and there is a possibility of severe illness or even death in some cases.

Most children are given about 24 different vaccinations that protect them from about 14 common and dangerous illnesses. These are usually administered starting from the time the babies are born till they turn six years of age. It is important to vaccinate these children at this time because their immunity is low when they are born and the vaccines help to strengthen these immune systems, enabling them to fight off diseases.

Parents often worry that their babies may be harmed by too many vaccines. However, there is no need to worry. In fact, the immune system of a baby usually responds well to vaccinations and this helps the baby to fight diseases. In fact, babies have to fight many more antigens every day than the combination of vaccines that are given to them.

Important Information About The Vaccination Schedule

The vaccination schedule has been put together by a number of highly qualified doctors and experts. They have done their best to come up with an optimum schedule that keeps enough space between each vaccine so that it can get absorbed by the body while still ensuring that there isn't too much of a gap between vaccinations. In fact, if the vaccines are spaced out too long, your child will be unprotected from certain diseases for a longer period of time. This can make them targets of a number of diseases.

However, it is also important to remember that if your child has any adverse reaction to a particular vaccine, you must notify your doctor immediately. Certain allergic reactions may mean that you have to delay the schedule by a little while.

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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

HPV Vaccine: Is It A Good Idea?

HPV Vaccine: Is It A Good Idea?

A recent NWPC (National Women's Political Caucus) email promoted HPV (human papilloma virus) vaccination to prevent cervical cancer. Naturally, no one wants cervical cancer. But is this effective, and is it a good idea? The email stated that HPV is "the virus that causes 96 percent of cervical cancer cases." But according to James Howenstine, M.D., "The FDA has been aware since 2003 that Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) does not cause cervical cancer.

Here are some less known facts about HPV and this vaccine. They are summarized from Dr. James Howenstine, Dr. Joseph Mercola, D.O.and The National Vaccine Center.

  • HPV virus does not cause cervical cancer.
  • HPV vaccine increases the risk of developing a precancerous cervical lesion by 44.6% in women previously infected with a HPV viral type found in the vaccine.
  • HPV viral infections are self limiting and are not a health threat to healthy females.
  • Gardasil vaccine is unable to eradicate HPV virus from women who have been exposed to HPV (nearly all sexually active women)."
  • Gardasil vaccine contains just four types of HPV out of the more than 100 strains. If you contract one of the 96+ types that aren't included, you're out of luck.
  • The vaccine does not work against the four types of virus it is designed to work against if you've already been exposed to them. (Mercola)
  • As of January, 2010, 15,829 adverse reactions were reported by the AEFI, including 49 deaths.
  • Spain has already taken the vaccine off their market.

Symptoms reported following vaccination include fatigue, headache, numbness, muscle weakness, joint pain, concentration problems, chest pain, skin disorders, menstrual problems, heart disorders, seizures, dizziness, muscle pain, nausea, miscarriage, paralysis and Guillain-Barré syndrome. (These symptoms increase with the second and third vaccination).

Dr. Howenstine emphasizes that, "This valuable information about the etiology of HPV viral infections has been suppressed from public knowledge. Allowing untruths about Gardasil to be disseminated in public hearings and planting fear have been used to promote sales of this worthless vaccine."

A far more effective alternative exists; it has been scientifically shown to be far more effective than the vaccine: a combination of green tea extract and vitamin C.

Even without green tea and vitamin C, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states, "In 90 percent of cases, your body's immune system clears the HPV infection naturally within two years."

If you start to trace down how this information came through the NWPC, you discover an organization called NCWO, which states it is part another organization called the Partnership to End Cervical Cancer. Tracing down the sponsorship of their National Cervical Cancer-Free Campaign, leads through to CLUW (Coalition of Labor Union Women) which has an arm of their organization called CCPW (Cervical Cancer Prevention Works). Turns out all this is funded by Qiagen, one of the companies which makes an FDA-approved test for HP.

Faced with the above information obtained through non-pharmaceutical industry sources leads to questioning whether, in forwarding this drug company sponsored promotional material on HPV testing and vaccination, the NWPC has become an unwitting shill for the pharmaceutical industry's stated goal to keep women dependent on their products from the cradle to the grave.

Do we really want to first pay for the HP test, then pay for the HPV vaccine, then pay with a lot of unwelcome post-vaccination symptoms, and then, for some of us, pay with our lives or the lives of our daughters? And allow our women's political organization to be co-opted in the process?

Many effective options exist for eradicating immune challenges such as HPV, and you can access some of this free imformation that empowers you and supports your physical and emotional health improvement. Visit, and while there you can also send a request for a particular topic to be covered by Pamela Levin, R.N.,a Certified Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst with 500 post-graduate hours in clinical nutrition, herbology and applied kinesiology.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Five Prescription Medications That Work Well in the Treatment Warts

Five Prescription Medications That Work Well in the Treatment Warts

Warts can be scary, especially when one notices them on their skin for the first time. Some types of warts can also be awkward, an instance of these being genital warts - that grow in the most embarrassing of locations. There are warts that can interfere with a person's looks, an instance of these being the finger-like filiform warts that have a tendency to grow on the eyelids and on the lips: just where they are most conspicuous. Then there are warts that cause actual pain; instances of these being the plantar warts that grow on the foot soles, right on the pressure points!

The warts themselves are caused by viral infections. The specific virus that causes them is the human pappiloma virus; which is culpable for worse things in its other forms. Sometimes, the warts just disappear on their own as the body's natural immunity system - if it is strong enough - tackles the virus causing the warts. Sometimes it becomes necessary to seek treatment for the warts.

Treatment Options for the Warts

Treatment for the warts takes two forms. One is that of procedures that aim to get rid of the wart, more or less mechanically. Here we are looking at things like laser treatment, direct curettage of the wart (in the hope that it won't re-grow), cryosurgery and use of infra-red coagulation. The second form is that of medications, most of which are prescription medications.

1) One of the prescription medications used in the treatment of warts is Imiquimod. This is normally presented as a cream, which one is supposed to apply directly on the part of the body with the warts. The exact mechanism through which Imiquimod works is by strengthening the body's immunity, to combat the virus causing the warts. It is quite an effective medication - the only drawback on it being the fact that it is rather costly.

2) The second commonly used prescription medication in the treatment of warts is bleomycin. Unlike imiquimod, bleomycin is usually presented in the form of injections. Although quite effective, bleomycin's major drawbacks include its considerable cost, and some quite scary side effects it comes with.

3) Then there is salicyclic acid, the skin specialist's Swiss knife (that is, a very highly versatile medication). It works quite well in the treatment of warts, but for this purpose, a considerably strong concentration of it has to be used.

4) Another prescription medication used in the treatment of warts is podophyllum paint. This is in fact a cocktail of a number of medications; for in its making, a bit of podophyllum resin, isopropyl alcohol and a bit of 'aloes' is used. This is quite a highly regarded treatment for warts. And contrary to what may be inferred from the list of ingredients that go into its making, this is in fact one of the most cost effective prescription medications available for combating warts.

5) Finally, we have cantharidin, which is harvested from beetles. It can work well on its own, in the treatment of warts, and better still in combination with a substance like podophyllum.

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Thursday, April 2, 2015

Is There a Vaccine For Cancer?

Is There a Vaccine For Cancer?

Cancer these days are so common that there is a 50 to 75 per cent chance that someone in you family could be diagnosed with it. Cancer takes many forms and to date, there is no known cure that can completely eliminate this disease.

The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus that causes different types of cancers. The HPV 16 and HPV 18 cause cervical and vulval cancer. A recent study by a leading Cancer Research scientific team found a vaccine to combat against certain forms of the Human Papilomavirus.

The vaccine, known as TA-HPV was modified from a smallpox vaccine. Scientists tested the vaccine in 18 women with Vulval Intraepithelial Neoplasia (VIN), a form of vulval cancer. This form of vulval cancer is very hard to treat as the precancerous lesions appear on the lining of the vulva.

Following the vaccination, 13 out of the 18 women were found to develop a specific immune reaction towards HPV. Also, in 8 out of the 18 women, the cancerous lesions shrunk by 50 percent. The patients also experienced symptom relief. These results were encouraging as more than half women in the study gained clinical benefits.

The best part of this vaccine is that it is relatively free of side effects. However, scientists who came up with this vaccine also believe that this vaccine will be most useful if used as a part of a combination of treatments. This vaccine is also more than a glimmer of hope for women whose bodies have already started generating some kind of immune response against the disease.

It is also possible that repeated vaccination may be more effective in combating the disease. This is because, when a patient is given a number of shots of vaccine during a course of treatment, it helps to build up an immune response against cancer.

Treatment vaccines such as the TA- HPV vaccine will play an important role in controlling cancers. Studies such as this raise awareness about how vaccines direct the immune system against cancer. Vaccines such as this are vaccines of hope that may give many a second chance to lead a normal, cancer-free life.

Anna has been writing articles online for nearly 3 years now. She recently went for a medical checkup at Penang Hospital, which is one of the top Malaysia hospital.