Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Symptoms of Celiac Disease in Adults and Children

Symptoms of Celiac Disease in Adults and Children

Severe constant diarrhea with large amount of stools hovering in water and loss of weight are the symptoms of celiac disease. These symptoms were ordinary in infants and younger children who have a tendency to build up bowel symptoms and problems regarding growth just after they began eating cereals containing gluten. It was thought before that celiac ailment happened to children only and in many cases they could have outgrown it.

Today, it is known that the disease may start in any age, continue for life, may engage several organs and both in adults and children the symptoms of this illness may be tremendously changeable- or there can be no clear signs at all. Since there are no typical pictures of persons with the disease, some patients come to doctors for years, in search for some diagnosis of the illness.

The indications of any celiac disease constantly disappear whenever the patient pursues a strict diet which is free of gluten. In unusual circumstances, if the intestines were damaged severely by constant inflammation that they were not able to heal even with diets free of gluten, the patients are diagnosed of having a refractory or unresponsive, celiac disease.

Gastrointestinal-Related Symptoms of Celiac Disease

These signs can be erroneously attributed to some other gastrointestinal problems, like stomach ulcers, inflammatory bowel illness, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome:

- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Chronic indigestion
- Chronic bloating
- Poor appetite
- Abdominal cramping, distention and pain
- Mouth ulcers

Long -standing celiac disease which is not treated leads to a higher risk in adenocarcinoma and sometimes lymphoma in small intestines. Even with the increased danger, the occurrence of these tumors in some celiac patients is very unusual and if patients follow a strict diet which is free of gluten, the risk was reported to drop down and equal the danger of some healthy persons.

Malabsorption-Related Symptoms of Celiac Disease

The destruction of the tiny projections of the mucous membrane and some changes inside the tiny intestines spoils the ability to take up nutrients, minerals and vitamins which are fat-soluble like Vitamins A, D. E. and K. Signs and indications of malabsorption may include: Weight loss, failure flourish/stunted growth in children, fatigue, anemia, osteoporosis or osteopenia, abnormal coagulation due to lack of Vitamin K and bacterial overgrowth of the tiny intestines.

Other signs of celiac disease:

Dermatitis herpetiformis
Recurrent miscarriage
Abnormalities in dental enamel
Depression and anxiety
Autoimmune endocrine disorders, including thyroid disease
Peripheral neuropathy
Subtle abnormalities in blood tests for no obvious reasons
Elevated liver function test
Low serum (blood) protein levels
Low serum (blood) protein levels
Low serum (blood) calcium levels

These several lists of signs support the information that there are no classic ways for celiac illness to be determined. It is simple to miss, except physicians and patients bear in mind to consider it. It is specifically true for persons with numerous medical problems and in people who are totally fine but have genetic inclination. When celiac disease is exposed, acceptance of diet free from gluten will lessen the dangers for severe long-term problems.

Learn some facts about the Celiac Disease. Go and visit us at: [http://Celiac-Disease-Symptoms.org].

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